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Items tagged with: friendica

@Hypolite Petovan I have setup a local #Apache and added an entry to /etc/hosts to point to my local machine. Then in a /etc/apache2/sites-available/friendica.conf I setup a virtual host on that host name and even setup a self-signed SSL certificate so I can run #Friendica locally. To be able to receive mails locally, as I have #Linux running here, I had to a bit patch Friendica to disable a regex check on the entered email address. Now when I want to locally federate with e.g. #GNUSocial I just have to repeat above steps and I remember I was able to setup "remote" follow between these two local instances. For Windows users, there is #WinAMP around for a very long time, including #Mercury mail server so you could be able to repeat it even on Windows.

Participating on polls from Friendica

@Friendica Support : Just a curious question:
I follow quite a lot of mastodon account, and in the last days, mastodon users seem to develop a passion for polls.

I noticed that I am on my friendica instance are not able to participate in these polls since the content is only included in plain text.

Does #Friendica just do not support polls, or is it only my instance / a missing add-on that prevents me to participate in polls?

Still learning a lot about #Friendica and the #fedivers myself. But I'll be always happy to help others, and maybe I'll be able to also contribute some day. The vision of an open, noncommercial decentralized social network is worth the effort.
@Hypolite Petovan what will be best practice to get started to support developers? Unfortunately, I not that much experience in open source community social culture. I guess participating the discussion on the git site?

#Friendica needs new contributors!

I'm not used to do this, but with the large influx of new users and node admins recently coming from #Twitter, our small team is now behind the curve for handling support requests, bug reports and bring about much-needed features.

The project is built on a #PHP/#MySQL platform, but we also need people to be able to assist others just using the software to give developers some space.

If you're willing and able to help, please follow @Friendica Support and the project on Github:

Thank you!

Six or so years later than your Arcata should have occurred, but better late than but at all.

It's good to see that you're actually posting content here in the #Fediverse and direct links to project sites instead of links to the deprecated, privacy disrespecting, legacy monolithic silos like #Twatter and #InstaSPAM.

Welcome to the Fediverse! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿค˜

#tallship #FOSS #Privacy #ActivityPub #Mitra #Soapbox #Quanta #Misskey #Friendica #PeerTube #Pixelfed #FunkWhale #Lemmy #rPi



Hello !Friendica Support

The menu that pops up when you click on the avatar only appears for contacts that are not on Friendica. This menu does not appear for my Friendica contacts.

Here at this Hubzilla contact appears the menu

The menu does not appear for this Friendica contact.

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1488
PHP 8.1
Theme #frio

#friendica #bug

Hello !Friendica Support

seems the account deletion does not go through. What can I check to find the reason?

(current stable #Friendica version)

List with deleted accounts looks like this, some there for more than 2 weeks already.

!Friendica Admins Since I prefer to use the Friendica daemon methodology for background workers I wanted to configure it with systemd to make sure it was always running. There was a tutorial in German linked from the main Friendica site. I decided to write one in English that follows similar steps (link to the German blog post is in my own). Enjoy #friendica #fediverse #selfhosting #systemd #linux

Hello !Friendica Support
apparently I got 258 notifications, notifications only shown in /delegation. What is the URL to mark all of these read? I am tired of clicking on each notification in /notifications/system one by one.


!Friendica Admins I've written a comprehensive soup to nuts style Tutorial for setting up a production (rather than just for development) Friendica server. It's long but has a Table of Contents so you can skip to the part you are interested in #friendica #fediverse #documentation

!Friendica Support Although many people here are already aware, I figured I'd post about the existence of a Friendica specific chat room on the Matrix network. Conversations have ranged from qusetions about installations, troubleshooting, and development. #friendica #matrix

!Friendica Admins Although many people here are already aware, I figured I'd post about the existence of a Friendica specific chat room on the Matrix network. Conversations have ranged from qusetions about installations, troubleshooting, and development. #friendica #matrix

Hello !Friendica Support why is this post "unlisted" on #Friendica, but "visible to everyone" on #Pixelfed, where I composed it from?

Link on Pixelfed:

Link on Friendica:

Etwas Hoffnung gibt mir die Beobachtung, dass das Verhalten bei einem anderen RSS-Bot auf einer anderen Instanz von #Friendica so scheinbar nicht auftritt:

Dort konnte ich soeben problemlos einen Beitrag teilen.

!Friendica Support
Es gibt den Bot Ich wundere mich, dass dieser fast 50 Kontaktanfragen hat, obwohl 'automatische Kontaktannahme' eingestellt ist.
Das soll so nicht sein, oder?


Hello !Friendica Support, @Steffen K9 ๐Ÿฐ

When I select the "Forums" account type in the Network Stream, the forums from are not displayed to me.

I have also created a user group "Forums" with all the forums I have subscribed to, but the forums from are not displayed here either.

Friendica 'Siberian Iris' 2022.05-rc - 1464
#bug #friendica

Hallo !Friendica Support

welchen Grund gibt es eigentlich in #friendica das ich beim Teilen eines Beitrags "folgenden Quellcode gedรถns" sehe ... nach meiner Meinung wรคre es doch logischer wenn ich den Beitrag genauso formatiert sehen wรผrde wie in mener Timeline und ich kรถnnte den dann mit oder ohne Kommentar teilen.

!Friendica Support Wikipflege

How is documentation maintained? There is and then there is

The information interlaps. E.g. has a great client list while cvlient list on (ideally the anchor links would be more descriptive) is completely outdate.

How can this be improved so there are not two locations that have to be maintained, while #friendica community is already struggling to keep up with documentation in one place.

@Tusky Closer look: It's apparently a # problem, same happens when posting such a response through the web ui. Hashtags in CWs are a problem?

@Friendica Support

!Friendica Support Tried to respond to a CWed post in recent #tusky and got an ... interesting outcome. Is this an issue in #friendica or rather a @Tusky display problem...?

Hello !Friendica Support
for posts that came to me because I follow a hash tag, why is it not shown that this is the reason I see them?

Connecting to instances without relay

Hello there

Yesterday i found out that you are able to add #Mastodon instances to relays (did not worked with #Friendica servers). I'm not sure though, if this actually works, or Friendica only adds it as relay and it does nothing (no messages received so far).

Question is, is there similar way to connect to Friendica instances?

I would have deployed relay to do the job, but it seems that most used Pleroma one suffers of bug that does not let me manage it.


!Friendica Support

Hello !Friendica Support,
I see #Friendica still does not remove the GPS Exif location tag, right?

There is this user setting, but it seems that is still not working or still I misunderstand what this setting should do?

What should this setting do?

Abstimmungen bei Mastodon

!Friendica Support

Erst dachte ich, es fehlen wieder Bilder:
Screenshot: Unvollstรคndiger Post in Friendica

Aber auf der #Mastodon - Seite sieht man, dass es eine #Abstimmung ist, welche bei #Friendica nicht angezeigt wird:
Screenshot: Post in Mastodon mit Abstimmung

Muss das so oder haben wir eine Chance, solche Features ebenfalls angezeigt und vielleicht sogar daran teilnehmen zu kรถnnen?


Die Logik der Nichtunterstรผtzung bei # erschlieรŸt sich mir รผberhaupt nicht. Wer # nutzen will, nutzt dafรผr auf Twitter ohnehin Screenshots. Bei Mastodon bleibt einem ja gar keine andere Wahl - das Ziel wird ja mehr als verfehlt, weil es so *erst recht* Nonmentions gibt, da Leute bei Screenshots ja nicht erwรคhnt werden.
Finde es daher absolut unterstรผtzenswert, dass das bei # unterstรผtzt wird.

Dazu auch noch mal die Beobachtung zum #: Habe heute einen Beitrag reshared von einer Friendica-Benutzerin, die selbst scheinbar einen Beitrag von # per # geteilt hat.

Mein Reshare von # ist nicht in # sichtbar.
Es ist kompliziert...

Second update on the Friendica Archiving CLI tool. There are now pre-built binaries for Windows x64, macOS 64, and Linux x64. I'm going to whip up a quick viewer before moving on to trying my hand at setting up my own production instance for the first time. #friendica #fediverse

Friendica Archive Tool

I've been on the same Friendica instance for years which is unfortunately now shutting down. While there is a backup tool built in I've never gotten it working for my account and it doesn't backup your images. I've written a simple CLI tool that makes archives with the API. More updates to come. #fediverse #friendica

Announcement: Downtime / / /

There might be a planned downtime tomorrow 14:00 CET. I am still figuring out if it is necessary to swap the NVME storage drive of the server and am in contact with the hosting company.

Please prepare for about 4-6 hours downtime to allow raid resync.

It might be much shorter, but I feel more comfortable with that prognosis.

Also if you know your way around NVME replacement and raid resync I am open for suggestions on how to do this, maybe it is possible to resync the system while it is running, last time I did not manage to do this and had to use a rescue live #Linux system to recover.

Details on the time scheduled in your timezone:

#Announcement #Downtime #Friendica #Admin @Friendica Support

Dear !Friendica Support,
I have noticed you already have feature request asking for enhancements usefull to screen reader users on github. I have added a comment explaining few points I am thinking about as a novice screen reader user of #Friendica.

Hello !Friendica Support
can we at #Friendica improve how quoted reshares of #Diaspora posts look on #Pleroma or should Friendica not send these posts to Pleroma? Is this a pleroma issue?

See here:

The #Peertube Social Sharing plug-in added support for #Friendica and #Pleroma and #Diaspora
Thanks to @tio for filing an issue for this.

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