Items tagged with: html
New year, new role @Mastodon!
Our core team is looking for a senior Front-end Developer to elevate the web UI/UX experience for our users.
1. You are highly skilled in accessible and semantic #HTML
2. Proficient in modern #CSS
3. Experienced with #Javascript, #Typescript and complex React/Redux applications
This remote full-time position requires a 4-hour overlap with the CET timezone.
For more info/to apply:
#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring #frontend
Front-end Developer (m/f/d)
We're looking for a Front-end Developer to work with us remotely on our free and open-source Mastodon
#ratpoison's @neauoire inspired html writing (in vi).
My take on this:
I fall in love with ideas very often, but this one actually made me create something immediately.
To minimize the need of typing extra characters, I aliased ':' as the command for spitting out the #html elements.
Boosts are welcomed for maximum reach! 🙏🏼
#Development #Coding #Developer #Developers
How to Add a Mastodon Share Button to Your Website
Learn how to add a Mastodon share button to your website using a little bit of HTML and JavaScript.Kyle Reddoch
Expanding summary details tag accessibility | Pat Godfrey
Expanding Summary Details Accessibly
A decade later, can we use the HTML Details and Summary tags inclusively to replace expand and collapse accordions accessibly with and without JS and CSS? (Experience Learning Too)
Parser-Error bei FridaysForFuture
Ist wahrscheinlich kein Thema von Friendica, aber ich schreibe es hier doch einfach mal...
Beim Versuch, die Seite von #FridaysForFuture zu sharen, gibt es scheinbar Parser-Error. Jedenfalls gibt der Editor nur sowas raus:
Enter a title
Enter a description
Vermutlich hat die dortige Seite invalides #HTML? Oder können wir etwas machen?