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Items tagged with: Ecosystem

Stop APRIL, Indonesia’s ruthless paper and pulp giant!
#nature #biodiversity #Ecosystem #ecosystems #forest #forests #rainforest #tree #trees #deforestation #Petition

Converting rainforest to plantation impacts food webs and biodiversity #rainforest #environment #food #FoodProduction #biodiversity #ecosystem #ecosystems #wildlife #rubber #PalmOil

Guard Old-Growth Forests from Logging
#Petition #nature #biodiversity #Ecosystem #ecosystems #forest #forests #rainforest #tree #trees #deforestation

OFC, one does always buy into an #Ecosystem...

I think #Canonical should not #hamfist #Snap too hard and instead work towards a safe alliance to enshure portability of #Linux applications across Distros to replace the #RedHat dominance and avoid a #Duopoly if not #Tripoly for their own sake.

Which reminds me that @EU_Commission not calling out #RHEL and #Autodesk as #Market #Gatekeepers shows that those decisionmakers know shit about #tech.

After using software to simulate over 70,000 #ecosystem scenarios, the two professors and a postdoctoral researcher issued this warning in The Conversation:
#Ecological doom-loops: why #ecosystemcollapse may occur much sooner than expected – new research

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