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Items tagged with: crafting

It’s LED pixel hearts! It’s just a standard silicone candy mold I got in the clearance aisle, filled with colored epoxy, and some LEDs stuck in it. These are designed to go on my LED Tree.

#electronics #DIY #crafting

Time for some Wandering #introductions!

Hi, I’m Lyn (aldersprig).
I like
#knitting, #mapmaking
#baking, #homesteading

#gardening, #renovation
#art ( #mastoart )


#reading #fantasy #scifi #nonfiction #howto

#sewing (in theory), other #crafting, hopefully #Papermaking & #lino this year

and any #apple #recipes you might have (see also above).

I live in cow country in the Finger Lakes, NY State, US with 3 cats & a husband.

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