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Items tagged with: fediforum

How the Fediverse interops with @meta's Threads via #fediforum

Looks like the right decisions and recommendations were taken and being implemented.

@ntnsndr is coming to #FediForum and wants to talk about:

community governance, conflict resolution, policy and legal, financing

He has a new book out, too: "Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life". Sounds directly applicable to the #fediverse.

Discuss this and many other subjects with Nathan and other smart people? Join us March 19 and 20, 2024, online. Registration and more info:

Did you know that it is possible to play online chess with another user through the #Fediverse ?

How to:

Developer: @kosinus

Discovered that thanks to #FediForum

#fediforum We need to think about damage and good netiquette, all #Fediverse codebases are open-source.

People using and bring in codebases that are #closedsource are not "native" to the #fedivers. There will be STRONG social backlash about people who bring in closed source into the #openweb path.

NOTE am not pushing this problem, It's what is here in the space, have a blog on this subject

@UncensoredNews is interested in discussing "The Future of Internet News" at #fediforum next week.

A worthwhile and important discussion! If anybody wants to participate, you can still register at !

#internet #news

Any updates on this? If they are going down the same #NGIzero path then they are the problem rather than the solution, the value is in #openweb culture more than the hard tech which at best if a manifestation of this value.

Let's hope this is not a fuckup, please? Send me info when you get it, as we need to talk about this stuff at the #fediforum event.

@gomez wants to discuss "How a distributed network can have coherent moderation?" at #fediforum

Now here is a complex question! Interested in the subject? Join us at

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