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Items tagged with: windows

Windows 11 even used a tagline similar to KDE Plasma 😐

#linux #windows #kde

I recently bought an #Asus #Zephyrus G14, hoping to have one laptop for work, hobbies and light gaming (dual-boot). How disappointed I was to find that #Linux is almost unusable on this machine (fuck #Nvidia). I tried to adapt to #Windows because most of the software I need is available for Windows. But Windows is so disgusting, I don't understand how anyone can choose Windows. Linux desktop environments are simply superior to Windows (or #MacOS for that matter). Linux FTW.

That's why Windows is a big no in space 😆

#linux #windows

Some still try Windows every so often! 😜 🐧

#linux #windows

Do you, or have you ever, used a graphical user interface? If you use #Windows, #macOS, or any version of #Linux with a window manager or desktop environment, you can thank Dr. Clarence "Skip" Ellis.

Dr. Ellis worked at Xerox PARC, the research organization that developed the modern GUI. Icons, windows, the mouse, Ethernet-based networking, laser printing - all of these (and more) came out of PARC. Dr. Ellis led the team that created Officetalk, the first program to use icons and the Internet. He got his start at 15 years old showing a local tech company how to reuse punch cards, which was a game-changer back in 1958.

Oh, and he was also the first black man to earn a PhD in Computer Science.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackMastodon #ComputerScience @blackmastodon

I'm grateful to #Windows for giving us a standard suite of office applications. I wish the suite was #opensource and available for much of the world's next generation who can't afford to use the world standard "Office".

the download function! I need it regularly to download #LINUX so i can CLOSE THE #WINDOWS for the last time.

Name something more annoying than Windows updates, I'll wait 😜

#windows #meme

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

Let's see if they also drop their #DRM stunt as they did with their #Mac and #Windows users!! Owners reported "locked" features, hidden behind a "registration wall". So a #linux support alone is NOT ENOUGH ! STOP DRM! Open source any feature and driver, THEN WE TALK !

All our PCs run #GnuLinux but objectively the #yearofthelinuxdesktop can only be once you can step into a store and buy a laptop with #Linux preinstalled at an affordable or similar price to #Windows laptops.

Rich, mostly enjoyable, often impressive, not infrequently inspiring, always educational, almost daily better and with anticipation for continuing progress (and for #linuxmobile too!). ☺️ I wish I could pass on the experience, the learning and the good feeling to my #macos and #windows friends. But like most things in life, #linuxdesktop is a journey you have to want to take.

Also unlike #Windows, #Linux just works.

Seriously, the worst issues I've ever seen with #ArchLinux pale in comparison with the shitshow that is the #Govware from #Redmond - including #AMD's crappy drivers that @fuchsiii suffers under.

@gpuopen, #plzfix!

Please get @LinusTech to see this video, you have encouraged millions of people to run an incredibly dangerous Windows install with almost no mention of it's flaws @linusgsebastian @luke_lafr @Anjyoun #Windows #AtlasOS

I mean what that person described is true, but I can tell you it's the same game of whack-a-mole on native #Windows. That's just what programming is, really.

Also, native Linux games are popping up left and right.

I think my time was about the phase-out for schools to teach real-life #tech at a young age. We had computer class and we'd have to use the iMacs for it. But then by the time I got to 5th grade, we all switched to #Chromebook . The switch the Chromebooks was bad because you're teaching kids how to use an awful interface they'll never use in the real world. Teach kids #macos and #windows . And teach the techies #linux as well!

Such an underrated game… And the fact that this #game is completely #OpenSource - not to mention the fact that it is made by volunteers with no official income stream (only the occasional donation) - is mind blowing. If you haven’t played 0A.D. yet, you’re missing out on something truly special. | #0AD #Linux #macOS #Windows #RTS #gaming #videogames #PCgames #PCgaming #AoE #AgeofEmpires

Very good news, all, my dungeons and dragons dungeon/battlemap creating tool now supports colors!
Feel free to check it out (though, only if you run #Windows 10 at the moment, I'm afraid)

Press C inside of the app and you get to enter a hex colour code to use for the brush :3

Google open sourced CDC File Transfer from the ashes of Stadia #GameDev #Stadia #Linux #Windows

Windows compatibility layer Wine v8.0 has a first Release Candidate out #OpenSource #Windows #Linux

Announcing Kyanite (Facebook archive viewer) Beta 2 w/several new features and bug fixes. My favorite new feature is the map view for easily finding your geotagged posts and photos. Runs on #linux #macos and #windows written in #flutter #DeleteFacebook…

An impediment to deleting Facebook is being able to get and use your data. Facebook lets you export it but using it sucked. I've released a beta of a new tool, Kryanite, that lets you really use your data on #Windows #macOS and #Linux #DeleteFacebook…

Good morning and good day, #fediverse. I've logged on to my work PC just to catch up on some things before I return on Monday, and of course #Windows doesn't want to boot up properly today. I really wish we could use our own devices sometimes :blobcoffee:

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