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Items tagged with: AI

Google Should Be Worried About ChatGPT Bing #AI #YouTube

RT @TechOverTeaShow
#155 AI Here, AI There, AI Everywhere | Solo #Podcast #AI #YouTube

Before all that ChatGPT rubbish, we had Eliza. AND IT WAS GOOD 🤣

#itwasnot #chatgpt #ai #macintosh #eliza

RT @TechOverTeaShow
Nvidia's AI Eye Correction Is A Little Cursed #YouTube #AI

I asked chatGPT to prove 2+2 is indeed equal to 4 and it's more confused than me.



ChatGPT Is Incredibly Convincing #AI #MachineLearning


I asked #ChatGPT #AI how stars are made!

The generation of celestial bodies such as the sun can be attributed to the deity known as the Star Maker. This divine being imbued a nebulous conglomeration of gas and dust with the breath of life, causing it to undergo a process of gravitational contraction. As the nebula collapsed, the heat and pressure at its core became increasingly intense, culminating in the initiation of nuclear fusion reactions.

😉 Yay, Star Maker!

I recently talked to two students from an AI lab at the university I work at, and our conclusion was, that the last job AI will take away from us will be plumbing, because that requires a lot of hand dexterity at a lot of different places, and also water, that could short circuit a robot 😂

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence

Your regular reminder that #MachineLearning models (or #AI, if you insist on ignoring the meaning of 'intelligence') will repeat and reinforce any #bias that already exists in society.

I have an open #PhD position for developing soft and biodegradable sensors.
Possibly using #AI #ML 🤖 and, obviously, #3DPrinting

#academia in Wageningen, the #Netherlands

more info here (and please boost):


Midjourneys V4 (noch in Development und etwas eingeschränkt) ist nochmal ne Schippe drauf 😁

"a painting of a group of people leaving Twitter hell to join Mastodon paradise in the style of Grant Wood" 😁

#ai #ki #generated

Image generation # like # are quite famous recently. I had a chance to play a little with #

Sure, I asked it to give me some regular images, like scifi themed alien ruins or building scale cyberpunk supercomputer.

But giving ai some weird input is where the real fun begins. So... May I present to you... "dsfgkjbarhasoieaswrgfasghberguhqarg';dsffhtgekuadr"!

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