Items tagged with: Déforestation
Bornean #Orangutans 🦧🧡are our intelligent tree-dwelling cousins. They're critically endangered mainly from #palmoil #deforestation. Help them survive! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket! learn how to take action!
Bornean Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus
Explore the plight of the critically endangered Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) facing habitat loss due to palm oil deforestation. Discover ways to support their conservation. #BoycottPalmOil #B…Palm Oil Detectives
Baird’s Tapir Tapirus bairdii
Baird’s Tapir Tapirus bairdii Endangered Extant (resident): Belize; Colombia; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama Extinct: El Salvador Presence Uncertain: Ecuador Baird…Palm Oil Detectives
Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata
Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; India; Indonesia (Kalimantan, Sumatera); Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia (Sarawak, Sabah, P…Palm Oil Detectives
So-called “sustainable” #palmoil certified by #RSPO originating in #Guatemala is strongly connected to #deforestation and #ecocide finds Michigan Uni #study. Help #rainforests and fight #extinction #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Research: Certifying Palm Oil as “Sustainable” Is No Panacea
Newly published research from the University of Michigan reveals that despite the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification system being influential, its effectiveness in reducing def…Palm Oil Detectives
Help the Four-horned #Chameleon 🦎🦎🦎 of #Cameroon 🇨🇲 and #Nigeria 🇳🇬. These beautiful #lizards are #vulnerable due to #deforestation 🔥🔥🔥 for #palmoil #cocoa and #mining. Help them to survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Four-horned Chameleon Trioceros quadricornis
The main threat to this species is deforestation. Agricultural development extends as high as 1,700 m asl. near Nsoung village on Mt Manengouba (Gonwouo et al. 2006), and forest on the mountainR…Palm Oil Detectives
The #Oncilla is a small #wildcat found throughout Central and #SouthAmerica. They are #vulnerable their main threat is #deforestation for #soy #meat #palmoil. They are also hunted for their fur #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife to help their survival!
Northern Tiger Cat (Oncilla) Leopardus tigrinus
Northern Tiger Cats, or Oncillas, are sleek, large-eared wildcats often confused with margays or ocelots due to their similarities. While primarily nocturnal, they adapt their behavior according to…Palm Oil Detectives
Pied Tamarins are critically endangered, threats incl. massive #deforestation in #Brazil from #palmoil #beef farming. You can help when you boycott the brands destroying their home! #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Pied Tamarin Saguinus bicolor
The Pied Tamarin lives in primary forests and in small fragments of secondary forests. In primary forests like Reserva Ducke the density is lower than in small fragments (Gordo 2012). They eat frui…Palm Oil Detectives
Only 60 Banded Surilis AKA Raffles Banded #Langurs hang on to survival in Malaysia due to #palmoil #deforestation. Help save them and use your wallet as a weapon #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Banded Surili (Raffles Banded Langur) Presbytis femoralis
A curious and intelligent small monkey species, Raffles’ Banded Langurs are also known by their other common names: Banded Leaf Monkey or Banded Surili. They are endemic to the southern penin…Palm Oil Detectives
Eastern Gorillas are powerful yet gentle. They are critically endangered in #Uganda #Congo #Rwanda due to complex threats incl. #poaching #palmoil #deforestation. Protect them and be #Vegan #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Eastern Gorilla Gorilla beringei
Eastern Gorilla Gorilla beringei Critically Endangered Congo, The Democratic Republic of the; Rwanda; Uganda Gorillas are some of the most powerful and striking animals in the world. Not only for t…Palm Oil Detectives
Sleek and splendid jungle royalty – #leopards 🐆💛 are adaptable, yet are now #extinct in places due to #palmoil #deforestation, #poaching and other threats. Fight for them in the supermarket and be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Leopard Panthera pardus
#Leopards occur in the widest range of habitats among any of the Old World Cats (Nowell and Jackson 1996). They are found in the desert and semi-desert regions of southern Africa in Namibia and Bot…Palm Oil Detectives
The Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus is critically endangered in #Ghana #Ivory Coast in #Africa due to logging for #palmoil #cocoa #rubber. Help them every time you shop and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife on the brands causing #deforestation
Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus Piliocolobus waldroni
The Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus is listed as Critically Endangered as the species is estimated to have undergone a population decline of more than 80% in the 30 years (approximately three gene…Palm Oil Detectives
Sumatran #Elephants are rapidly disappearing, critically endangered in #Sumatra #Indonesia due to #palmoil #deforestation and #poaching. Support their survival at the supermarket. Be #Vegan and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus
Discover the endangered Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), a majestic species facing threats from palm oil deforestation. Learn how you can help protect these gentle giants. #BoycottPa…Palm Oil Detectives
Bear Cuscus' are found on #Sulawesi #Indonesia they are vulnerable due to #palmoil #deforestation and #hunting. Support this beautiful animal with your weekly shop #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Bear Cuscus Ailurops ursinus
The Bear Cuscus also known as the Sulawesi bear cuscus is an unusual and charming marsupial, named for their thick, dark, bear-like fur. Found only on the island of Sulawesi and nearby islands, thi…Palm Oil Detectives
Known as 'Chasma Bandar' for their beautiful spectacled eyes 👓🐵🐒 Phayre's leaf monkeys are a distinctive #monkey in #India 🇮🇳 #Bangladesh 🇧🇩, #endangered by #palmoil #deforestation 🌴🔥🚫 Fight for them! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Phayre’s Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus phayrei
Phayre’s leaf monkey, also known as Phayre’s langur, are remarkable Old World monkeys distinguished by large, white-rimmed eyes that lend them a “spectacled” appearance. Known locally as ‘Cha…Palm Oil Detectives
Tapanuli Orangutan Pongo tapanuliensis
Learn about the critically endangered Tapanuli Orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis), the rarest great ape in the world, threatened by palm oil deforestation. Join the fight to save them. #BoycottPalmOil…Palm Oil Detectives
Magnificent Lion-tailed #Macaques of Western Ghats #India are #endangered. They are hemmed in on all sides by #palmoil #deforestation. Fight for them when you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket! via @palmoildetect
Lion-tailed Macaque Macaca silenus
Lion-tailed macaques hold the title of one of the smallest macaque species in the world and sport a majestic lion-esque mane of hair. They exclusively call the Western Ghats in India their home. Th…Palm Oil Detectives
African Golden Cats make a cacophony of cat-like meows and assertive growls. Elusive and mysterious- they are now #vulnerable due to #palmoil #deforestation and other threats. Fight for them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect
African Golden Cat Caracal aurata
The African golden cat’s striking coat varies from radiant red to elegant gray. They are a symbol of wild grace in the African jungle. This feline enchants a cacophony of sounds, from gentle …Palm Oil Detectives
Parties gutting EUDR received donations from companies tied to illegal deforestation: Report
Parties members of the European People’s Party (EPP), a large center-right political party, received political donations from influential companies linked to illegal deforestation and which are likely to benefit from changes to a key EU forest protec…Latoya Abulu (Conservation news)
Deforestation comes ‘roaring back’ despite 140-country vow to end destruction
Demand for beef, soy, palm oil and nickel is hindering efforts to halt demolition by 2030, a global report finds. The destruction of global forests increased in 2023, and is higher than when 140 co…Palm Oil Detectives
Insect decline in the Anthropocene: Death by a thousand cuts
Although conservation efforts have historically focused attention on protecting rare, charismatic, and endangered species, the “insect apocalypse” presents a different challenge. In addition to the…Palm Oil Detectives
Maker of #Cadbury, #Belvita and other junk food: Mondelez @MDLZ uses “sustainable” #palmoil from #RSPO, yet this #greenwashing does NOT STOP #deforestation and #extinction. Fight back in the supermarket #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Despite the virtue-signalling of the palm oil certification body the RSPO, Mondelez’s so-called “sustainable” palm oil is linked to 37.000ha of palm oil deforestation since 2016 (…Palm Oil Detectives
The Plight of the Pangolin
My favourite animal changes all the time. When I was younger, I cycled through various large, majestic cats such as tigers, jaguars and snow leopards. At one point, I considered the polar bear amon…Palm Oil Detectives
Deep in the #Congo is a curious creature a bit like a horse or a giraffe. The #Okapi is to the Congo what the Panda is to China. #Palmoil and #mining #deforestation threaten their survival #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Okapi Okapia johnstoni
The mysterious and enchanting Okapi, also known as the forest giraffe, roams the dense rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. With a large expressive eyes and ears, velvety dark brown coa…Palm Oil Detectives
Dusky Pademelons are pocket rockets bouncing thru the forests of #PapuaNewGuinea and #WestPapua. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #deforestation #mining and hunting. Help them every time you shop and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect
Dusky Pademelon Thylogale brunii
Dusky Pademelons are small marsupials with large ears, strong hind legs and a short, thick tail. They navigate the dense and mountainous forests of New Guinea with natural agility. Solitary by natu…Palm Oil Detectives
The Wisdom and Power of #Elephants 🤓🐘🎉 Let's honour the gentle and nurturing giants of #Africa and #Asia. Elephants are endangered by #palmoil 🌴⛔️ #meat #deforestation and #poaching. Help them when you #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Echoes of the Ancients: The Wisdom and Power of Elephants
World Elephant Day, celebrated on August 12th, honours the gentle and nurturing giants of Asia and Africa, who are revered for their deep spiritual wisdom, gentle strength, and nurturing natures. O…Palm Oil Detectives
Save the magnificent Sambar #deer, threatened in multiple countries like #India #Malaysia #Indonesia by #palmoil #deforestation and hunting. Fight for them by being #vegan and use your wallet as a weapon #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Sambar deer Rusa unicolor
The majestic Sambar deer, cloaked in hues ranging from light brown to dark gray, are distinguished by their rugged antlers and uniquely long tails. Adorned with a coat of coarse hair and marked by …Palm Oil Detectives
#Kitkat and #Snickers makers Mondelez, Nestle, Mars lace their snacks with #palmoil #deforestation by way of animal feed for #dairy cows. US #consumers may be buying #ecocide unaware! Fight back, be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Ecosystems Sell Dirt Cheap for Palm Oil Filled Snickers and KitKat
A recent report highlighted by Mongabay uncovers that deforestation-linked palm oil may still be in popular snacks like Snickers and Kit Kat, despite pledges from brands like Mars, Nestlé, and Mond…Palm Oil Detectives
#Jaguars 🐅🐯 are excellent swimmers with the most powerful jaws of all the #bigcats They can run at a speed of up to 80 kmph. They face threats from #palmoil #soy #meat #deforestation. Help them survive, be #vegan 🍎🌿 #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Jaguar Panthera onca
Jaguars, currently deemed Near Threatened, face a substantial habitat reduction of up to 25% in just over two decades. This decline stems from rampant deforestation for palm oil, soy, and meat, as …Palm Oil Detectives
Shimmering and transparent Green Dragontails 🐛🦋🪞 are forest-dwelling butterflies of SE Asia, fighting to survive due to #palmoil #deforestation 🌴🔥 help them by going #vegan 🍇🌽🍓 #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket @palmoildetect
Green Dragontail Lamproptera meges
Green Dragontails could arguably be called the most exquisite and beautiful butterflies alive. They flutter through sunlit patches of leaves near to streams and rivers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thail…Palm Oil Detectives
The #Nicobar #Pigeon 🪿🌈 is the largest, most colourful pigeon in the world. They are near threatened in #India by #palmoil #deforestation, #poaching and the #pet trade. Help them when u shop #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥⛔️
Nicobar pigeon Caloenas nicobarica
The Nicobar pigeon is the largest pigeon in the world and the closest living relative to the extinct dodo bird. They are famous for their gorgeous iridescent feathers. When threatened they make a p…Palm Oil Detectives
Nurturing and sweet Sulawesi Barbarusas are hog species native to #Sulawesi #Indonesia. They face multiple threats including human persecution, #hunting and #palmoil #deforestation. Help them survive #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Sulawesi Babirusa Babyrousa celebensis
The Sulawesi Babirusa also known as the North Sulawesi Babirusa are hog-like animals are found on Sulawesi Island along with nearby islands Lembeh, Buton, and Muna in Indonesia. They have a mottled…Palm Oil Detectives
Pocket sized cuties, Waigeo #Cuscus are #vulnerable due to #palmoil #deforestation on a tiny island in #WestPapua. Fight for their survival, go #vegan and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife each time you shop
Waigeo Cuscus Spilocuscus papuensis
Cryptic and solitary marsupials, Waigeo Cuscuses cling to tree canopies on a Waigeo Island, West Papua. They are classified as vulnerable on IUCN Red List due to palm oil deforestation and mining o…Palm Oil Detectives
Great green #macaws are supremely intelligent can live to up to 70 years old. They are critically endangered by #palmoil #meat and #soy #deforestation in #SouthAmerica. Help them and be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Great Green Macaw Ara ambiguus
Explore the conservation efforts for the Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus), a critically endangered parrot facing threats from habitat loss and illegal pet trade. Find out how you can help protect t…Palm Oil Detectives
African Dwarf Crocodiles are vulnerable in #Congo #Gabon #Ghana and #Liberia due to multiple threats incl. #palmoil #deforestation. Fight for them each time you shop, be #vegan and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
African Dwarf Crocodile Osteolaemus tetraspis
African Dwarf Crocodiles are timid nocturnal animals and solitary hunters. They predate mainly on small animals in rivers or nearby to the riverbank. They are also known as the Broad-Snouted Crocod…Palm Oil Detectives
Handsome #Barasinghas of #India and #Nepal have enormous antlers. They are one of the most endangered #deer species in the world due to #hunting and #palmoil #deforestation. Help save them and be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Barasingha Cervus duvauceli
Barasinghas (Cervus duvauceli) also known as Swamp Deers, are instantly recognisable for their enormous handsome antlers. They can have as many as 12 antlers and their namesake Barasinghas means …Palm Oil Detectives
Southern Ground Hornbills are #vulnerable in #Uganda, #Congo from #deforestation and other #human threats. Help save these remarkable intelligent birds and be #vegan #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Southern Ground-hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri
Territorial and highly social, Southern Ground Hornbills collectively raise their young in groups – a process of parental guidance that can take up to two years – the longest of any bir…Palm Oil Detectives
Elusive and likely critically endangered, New Guinea Singing Dogs are rapidly disappearing and have no formal protection. Fight against #palmoil #deforestation in #WestPapua and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
New Guinea Singing Dog Canis hallstromi
Thought for decades to be extinct in the wild, the New Guinea singing dog populations hang on to survival in the remote mountains and forests of New Guinea. They were last spotted in 2017 near the …Palm Oil Detectives
Don’t let the forests go silent! Here are 100s of forgotten animals of the secretly destroyed forests. They are nearing #extinction due to #palmoil #deforestation and other threats. #Boycottmeat #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect
These are the forgotten animals of the secretly destroyed forests
Take action and boycott palm oil to help them survive! Share to Twitter Don’t let the forests go silent! Here are 100s of forgotten animals of the secretly destroyed forests. They are nearing…Palm Oil Detectives
Help the #endangered Giant Ground #Pangolin 🙏🌿 of #Africa and boycott #Chinese medicine using them. Spoiler alert: their scales DO NOT CURE ANYTHING! Another threat is #palmoil #deforestation #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #COP16 @palmoildetect
Giant Pangolin Smutsia gigantea
The Giant Pangolin is are the largest and heaviest of the pangolin species weighing up to 35 kilos. These majestic creature are cloaked in keratin armour and embark on nightly quests through Centra…Palm Oil Detectives