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Items tagged with: Gnu

Compared to about 20+yrs ago, when of first contact, #GNU #Linux became a feasible thing for the average user.

Whereas I miss the old Alt-OS-es (sob, sob, #BeOS) Linux has matured to a degree of flexibility and accessibility that makes it first choice for the savvy user, or anyone interested in PRIVACY and NOT supporting evil corporations.


I'm worse than that. I can't run a kernel. I have to install a complete OS like #GNU.

GNU is always there to support Linux!

#linux #gnu

it's funny how people don't understand that operating systems (just like all other software projects or products) are named by the devs as whatever they want. It's branding and trademarks.

the "Manjaro is not Arch Linux" is the same argument. Manjaro is whatever its devs call Manjro, Arch Linux is whatever its devs call "Arch Linux".

#Linux #Gnu #FreeSoftware


It really takes very few toxic assholes to destroy and taint projects...

Like with the #FSF & #GNU:
#Gnu #fsf

The excellent LSP open-source audio plug-in suite has just had a new release!

Notable changes include new tools: Mixers and A/B Testers (with blind option!) as well as progress on Windows support!

#Audio #AudioProduction #LinuxAudio #FOSS #FOSSaudio #MusicProduction #Studio #OpenSource #Libre #GNU #FreeSoftware

Hola, fediverso!

Vivo en las Islas #Canarias, territorio del noroeste africano bajo dominio del reino de "España".

Desde joven simpatizo con las ideas anarquistas, pero me interesan todas las ideas y prácticas anticapitalistas libertarias en general.

Desde hace muchos años que sólo uso #GNU/Linux, en concreto #debian o derivadas, y tengo predilección por #xfce. En el móvil/celular uso #lineageos.

Y en estos días de manipulación tan desmesurada y masiva por lo de Ucrania (como antes ha ocurrido por muchos otros temas), no está de más recordar algo: "Si no están prevenidos ante los medios de comunicación, les harán amar al opresor y odiar al oprimido." (Malcom X)

#anarquismo #softwarelibre #noGAFAM
#introducción #Introduction

Jami is a libre, secure, decentralized communicator (IM, video calls) that can operate even over local networks without Internet access!

I've made an account and want to test it a bit 😀

#Jami #FOSS #Security #Privacy #GNU #Libre #FreeSoftware #Messaging #Chat #IM #Whatsapp #Signal

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