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Items tagged with: immunology

The 'There Are Such Things As Cooties' book doesn't appear to be available in UK.

I have a serious need to know as osculation, for me, has always carried great risk, #autoimmunesystem highly compromised.
The first few months of a new romantic relationship is fraught with a horrid cascade of immune response symptoms. And yet, I still do it!!! It's a really difficult one to resist.
#science #biology #immunology #immunesystem

My first post on Mastodon after a whole lot of lurking and boosting, so I'm treating this as a mini #introduction for myself

I'm an #immunology PhD candidate at #ColumbiaUniversity medical center, and we just published a study of #TissueSpecifity of human #Tcell identity and clonal expansion in barrier sites, using #CyTOF, #scRNAseq, and #TCR #sequencing!

'To address this critical knowledge gap, we conducted a comprehensive cross-species analysis of transcriptomic data from over 6000 blood samples from macaques and humans infected with one of 31 viruses, including #Lassa, #Ebola, #Marburg, #Zika, and #dengue.'
#Immunology #Virology #preprint

Bioinformatician with PhD and experience in immunology and single-cell

Institut Curie

Looking for a #bioinformatician with a PhD, experience in #immunology and #single-cell. Come join us at #InstitutCurie in #Paris

See the full job description on jobRxiv:

Open position in a great department!

Immunology Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville

#immunology #academicjobs

An antibacterial peptide encoded in the mitochondrial genome (#preprint).
#immunology #InnateImmunity

"We demonstrate that MOTS-c (mitochondrial open reading frame from the twelve S rRNA type-c) is a mitochondrial-encoded amphipathic and cationic peptide with direct antibacterial and immunomodulatory functions, consistent with the peptide chemistry and functions of known HDPs."

"An analysis of about 450,000 electronic health records has found a link between infections from influenza and other common viruses and an elevated risk of having a neurodegenerative condition such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease later in life."

#Virology #AlzheimersDisease #NeuroDegeneration #Neuroscience #Immunology

I just found my read of the day:

It makes so much sense to me that differentiation pathways in T cells(and biological processes i general) are much more flexible than currently depicted in literature! Why would a cell be fully stuck in one state with no way to return? HIgh time for studies like this to correct our current view on #immunology #memory #T cell #differentiation #gene regulation. So i look forward to read it!

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