Items tagged with: python
The Complete Learn to Code Python and ML Megabundle
Learn Python and machine learning with this bundle of courses from Mammoth Interactive. Pay what you want & support charity!Humble Bundle
Next Level Python - From Talk Python and Friends
Learn Python with our bundle of courses on this multifunctional programming language today! Pay what you want and support charity.Humble Bundle
You might want to reconsider your use of Anaconda / Conda. Updated terms of service are unclear about what is and isn't allowed under their free tier, with potential of contamination of "off limits" packages due to dependency resolution (using environment files).
Anaconda puts the squeeze on data scientists now deemed to be terms-of-service violators
Academic, non-profit organizations told to start paying up – or elseThomas Claburn (The Register)
Easily manage multiple Python versions on Ubuntu with Pyenv!
Install Multiple Python Versions on Ubuntu With Pyenv
The pyenv tool lets you install and use different Python versions on the same system.Abhishek Prakash (It's FOSS)
that’s actually a really cool trick — the many with-usages (like locks!) are a huge boon to understandable code.
And while it took me 25 lines of code to implement this with with wisp ( ) it’s only Python where that’s the default way to do things.
(there is no superfluous with in the previous paragraph ☺)
Being able to add stuff like this to the language cleanly is why I started to move my personal projects from #Python to #Guile #Scheme in 2013, though.
I've turned one of my teaching modules in #Paleontology into an #OER. It's only one single lab, but many more are waiting to be OER-ised... therefore I really need your input to avoid future mistakes.
Thanks to the feedback (shoutout to @leouieda and @JMMaok) I knew this:
✅ Must be editable
✅ Must include rubric
✅ Must include an example: I included a possible solution but without an essay, just the code. Now in #Rlanguage but #Python and #JuliaLang will follow.
The most watershed decision was to use #Quarto for everything to make it editable and renderable using Open Source tools and to make it version control-compatible. For people not familiar with #Quarto this may be a barrier?
Not sure what a good alternative would be. #OpenPedagogy
GitHub - EmiliaJarochowska/Yankovich_cave: Reconstruction of Pleistocene climate based on assemblages of mammal microfossils from a cave in Hungary
Reconstruction of Pleistocene climate based on assemblages of mammal microfossils from a cave in Hungary - GitHub - EmiliaJarochowska/Yankovich_cave: Reconstruction of Pleistocene climate based on ...GitHub
(1/2) Timetk for Python 🚀🚀🚀
The timetk, one of the main R packages for time series analysis and forecasting ❤️, by Matt Dancho, is now available in Python 🐍. The package provides a variety of tools for working with time series data and analyzing it. The Python version leverages pandas for processing time series data and plotly for visualization.
Humble Tech Book Bundle: Become a Python Expert by Pearson
Whether you’re a newbie or pro, this Python programming bundle will help you master the ins and outs of this ubiquitous programming language.Humble Bundle
Advice for beginning (#Python and anything else) learners:
"Write code. Write more code. Get your hands in there, do things and find out what happens. You’ll learn best by doing."
Advice to beginners
I often see questions like, “I’m just starting to learn Python, any advice?” The expected answer is something like “watch this video,” or, “here’s an awesome tutorial,” but more important are some tips about how to learn technology in
GitHub - ptmcg/log_merger: TUI utility to view multiple log files with merged timeline
TUI utility to view multiple log files with merged timeline - GitHub - ptmcg/log_merger: TUI utility to view multiple log files with merged timelineGitHub
(1/2) Python for Data Science is a new book by Arthur Turrell that focuses on core data science applications with Python 🚀. The book is inspired by the R for Data Science book by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund and follows a similar structure. The book covers topics such as:
✅ Data wrangling and transformation
✅ Data visualization
✅ Working with spreadsheets, databases, web scraping and APIs
✅ Programming topics such as functions and iteration
#python #DataScience #dataviz #data
PLEASE BOOST for visibility!
The University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) is hiring software engineers for science data processing on the Data Systems team. We build satellite borne instruments for studying astrophysics, planetary science, earth science, atmospheric science, and many more disciplines. Data Systems typically does the ground processing of the instrument data from binary packets through to research quality science data products (think netCDF, HDF5, CDF, FITS files). Mostly we use Python but we have some Java systems and C experience is always a plus for making Python faster.
Lab website:
#fedihire #jobsearch #jobs #hiring #planetaryscience #astrophysics #astronomy #physics #python #datascience
Home - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
OUR STORY LASP 75th Anniversary OUR EXPERTISE Science Engineering Mission Operations Data Systems Business Facilitation OUR LEGACY Missions Instruments Labs & Facilities OUR PEOPLE Leadership Diversity & Inclusion Staff News Careers Events & Outreach…Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
It seems we'll have a lot of "fun" with the #PyPi decision to remove signatures for sdist tarballs ( going forward.
To scream into the void: Yes, PyPi, someone was using those signatures. Distro package maintainers secured user supply chains with it!
I'm not looking forward to asking dozens of upstreams to host their signatures elsewhere (just stumbled across one case). Meanwhile reproducibility is now broken for those packages.
#ArchLinux #packagerlife #Python
Removing PGP from PyPI - The Python Package Index
PyPI has removed support for uploading PGP signatures with new
When byte code bites: Who checks the contents of compiled Python files?
ReversingLabs researchers identified a PyPI attack using compiled Python code to evade detection — possibly the first PYC file direct-execution attack.Karlo Zanki (Reversing Labs)
We have a new version of the data visualization tutorials written in #Python using #Pandas and #Altair:
The first tutorials lay the foundation, after which common data types are treated in 3 steps:
🛒 Prepare → 🥒 Process → 🥗 Present
If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvement, or if you're using these tutorials in your own teaching (or learning!), I'd love to hear about it. Many thanks already to @ikyriazi for lots of feedback on this revision!
Data Visualization · FH Potsdam · Summer 2023
Hands-on tutorials for basic visualization techniques and the necessary data
#PEP684 #python #python312 #GIL
PEP 684: A Per-Interpreter GIL
On behalf of the Steering Council, I’m happy to report that we have accepted PEP 684. @eric.snow, thanks for all of your efforts on this PEP and all of the supporting work it took to get us here over the years!Discussions on
I need to explore this further and update my course.
Python’s multiprocessing performance problem
While multiprocessing allows Python to scale to multiple CPUs, it has some performance overhead compared to threading.Itamar Turner-Trauring (Python⇒Speed)
The Scope of Packages that pyOpenSci Reviews
What types of packages does pyOpenSci review?: pyOpenSci reviews higher level software packages that support scientific workflows. Image showing the tiers of software in the python ecosystem starti...pyOpenSci Software Peer Review Guide
Perf engineering with Python 3.12
Since Python 3.12, the interpreter can run in a special mode that allows Python functions to appear in the output of the perf profiler.Peter McConnell :: Ponderings from a Linux Systems engineer
[Absolute Beginner's Guide]
How to Install Python on Windows [Beginner's Guide]
A simple tutorial explains how to install Python on Windows 10 and on Windows 11 and show you how verify PATH variables.Arindam (
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