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Items tagged with: RaspberryPi

Raspberry Pi has gone the AI way!

#ai #raspberrypi

Custom #hardware / #rpi #raspberrypi / etc. enthusiasts of Fedi: if I wanted to get a small screen (like, bigger than a phone, smaller than a sheet of paper) and have it display a constantly refreshing web page in my house, what's the coolest hardware combo to do that these days? Repurposed old Android tablet?

(Getting the weather and the train schedule and the bus schedule formatted on it, that I can handle.) :boost_requested:

Uxn on the GPi Case 2W is finally usable! I have Fourtette ( working now, fully playable! Though only at 1:1 pixel ratio and with no audio.

This is running directly on the bare metal of the Pi Zero 2W, using Circle for graphics and USB gamepad drivers.

#Uxn #RaspberryPi

Transform your Raspberry Pi into a powerhouse media server with Jellyfin!


My company had a Pi Day Hackathon, and the project I decided on was to run Uxn on a Pi Zero 2W. Specifically, on this Game Boy-style case, with graphics and controls working:

It was harder than I expected, and it's still not done!

You'd think it'd be as easy as installing the default Uxn emulator on the Pi, since it already runs Linux. But the GPi Case has a unique driver for its screen, and only a few "retro gaming" distros support it.

#Uxn #RaspberryPi #PiDay

YES. I have turned my #RaspberryPi into the most wonderful media/music server. It's basically my own little super charged and non-capitalistic Spotify.

Here's how it works.

Playing music: It runs #Jellyfin (in a docker container). This is so amazing – it even has a phone app (this is how I listen mostly).

Adding more music:
The Pi has an external drive connected to it (mount at boot) with all my music, shared as a samba server on our home network, this makes it easy to manage the files.

You can use a USB serial adapter for debugging your Raspberry Pi!


Here's how you can monitor the CPU and GPU temperature on your Raspberry Pi.


Rapsberry Pi... Yawn... A perfect story of a biz suffering from their own success. I moved on to cheaper, and readily available, x86-based SFF machines with USB-based GPIO. Won't buy a rpi for a long, long time.

#RPI #x86 #raspberrypi #sff #gpio

Discover the ultimate Raspberry Pi operating systems that are tailored to suit most purposes.

#opensource #raspberrypi

Kali Linux 2023.4 Release Adds #RaspberryPi 5 Support With #GNOME 45:

@kalilinux Linux, the popular #hacking-focused Linux distro has a new release in the form of Kali #Linux 2023.4, which offers some #important changes.
– by @itsfoss


LEEDS! Are you coming to shop with us this weekend?

Our new store is open for the entire festive season and into January. We have stock of every #RaspberryPi board and microcontroller, including #Pi5 and Compute Module 4.

Tag us if you make it over there 📸

Head over to Leicester Hackspace on November 18th to see how the new Raspberry Pi 5 compares with all previous models and with #RaspberryPi Pico.

They will also have a Pi Wars course available for you to try out your own robots.

"With faster hardware, punchier graphics, expanded storage support, and easy setup, it's nigh impossible not to love the #RaspberryPi 5, earning it a rare five-star rating and our Editors' Choice award."

BlueROV2 is an underwater ROV that surveys the darkest depths — well, the really very gloomy depths anyway — with the help of a #RaspberryPi 4 wearing its bespoke Navigator Flight Controller as a HAT.

We're launching new quarterly updates especially for our industrial customers. Sign up here to get news relevant to your business:


Thanks Fabrication Fest. We had a blast in the Experience #RaspberryPi 5 tent!

Westerville, Ohio!

Join this fun discussion with Samantha Snyder, Raspberry Pi Strategic Partnerships Manager. Samantha will be talking about the new #RaspberryPi 5 and other exciting developments in microprocessors.

This event is part of a series aimed at supporting women in computing in particular, but people of any gender and work background are welcome.

Hello. The rules in the UK state that once bonfire night is over, it's officially Christmas. Sorry.

In more excellent news, TWO #RaspberryPi Advent calendars made it onto this list from Forbes. You can buy both the '12 Projects of Codemas' and the 'Let it Glow' Pico calendars from The Pi Hut.

#MagPiMonday #RaspberryPi
DIY Games with Raspberry Pi Pico 🙂🕹️

Surprise! Just in time for the festive shopping season, we’ve opened a new temporary #RaspberryPi store in Leeds, UK.

We love this #Pi5 review. Marc Corredera gets loads of retro games running on our newest computer.


We know it's Hallow'eve, but what are you doing on Guy Fawkes Night?

HackWimbledon is hosting Pi Fawkes this Sunday and they're promising a "festival of #RaspberryPi 5s".

Head on over if you're in London and are after an indoor activity that doesn't require huddling round a bonfire.

I've turned a discontinued #Pimoroni Speaker Phat into a #MiniDexed Phat in order to give a new lease of life to a slightly damaged Raspberry Pi 2 that I recovered from ewaste

#RaspberryPi #diysynth #FMsynth

The RP1 is the new custom silicon on the #RaspberryPi 5 that is the helper chip to the Broadcom part onboard.

Our own James Adams and Liam Fraser were guests on The Amp Hour podcast to chat RP1 and beyond...

The new issue of HackSpace magazine is packed with #RaspberryPi 5 projects. We’ve picked this DIY Pi 5-powered computer to whet your appetite.

We have listed, to date, 40 Experience #RaspberryPi 5 events happening across 14 countries.

Between now and Christmas, we've events happening in China, Kenya, South Africa, Taiwan, UK, and the US.

Check the list to see if there's anything happening near you...


How're you spending Halloween night? At #RaspberryPi Club @ Makespace Cambridge? Us too?! Well... in spirit.

This is an Experience Raspberry #Pi5 event so you'll be able to give our newest board a spin, even if you haven't got one of your own yet.

You can also bring along something you've been working on, or just show up to talk with tinkerers.

Times and venue details:

Mike Reed is a completely self-taught digital learning teacher, and during his tenure he has built not one, but three, impressive #RaspberryPi clusters to make his lessons run more smoothly.

(Literally every person we showed this blog to before publishing it agreed that it's cool. Read about it and agree.)

Our final #MakerFaire appearance of 2023 will be at Shenzhen, China!

We’re partnering with #RaspberryPi Approved Reseller @seeedstudio for our first ever experience at Maker Faire Shenzhen.

Hope to see you there on November 11th and 12th. Let us know if you're coming along.

The inside story on the new Raspberry #Pi5...

The next iteration in the world-conquering Raspberry Pi line-up is here. HackSpace magazine caught up with Eben Upton (co-founder of Raspberry Pi and CEO of Raspberry Pi Ltd), and James Adams (CTO and principal hardware architect at Raspberry Pi, and designer of six of the seven flagship #RaspberryPi boards).

Settle in for this mega interview:


Raspberry #Pi5 體驗會 && 樹莓派社群聚會 #40

This is the 40th Taipei Raspberry Pi meetup and the topic is Experience #RaspberryPi 5. It's all happening on October 30th.

🚨 Raspberry Pi 5: available now! 🚨

Behind the scenes, we’ve been working hard with our friends at the Sony UK Technology Centre in Wales (where your Pi is baked) to ramp up the manufacturing and production test processes. Things have gone a little faster than expected, and we’re happy to announce that the first mass-production units will ship to customers this week.

#Pi5 #RaspberryPi

We did some benchmarking with Raspberry #Pi5 against its younger sibling #RaspberryPi 4 to show you just how fast it can go.

Dear diary,

Today's entry for the #Pi5 development diary is all about image processing on Raspberry Pi 5.

There's another nice video featuring enthusiastic nerds talking to each other about all the excellent nerding we did for our new #hardware ISP (image signal processor), developed here at #RaspberryPi.

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