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Items tagged with: Indigenous
Die Afsya in West-#Papua und sechs andere #indigene Gemeinschaften sind endlich anerkannt. Nun können sie 40.000 Hektar #Regenwald vor dem Zugriff von #Palmöl Firmen bewahren. Ein großer Erfolg nach jahrelangem Kampf. #indigenous rights for #Afshya in #Papua will stop #palmoil

#News: Friends of the Earth accuse #palmoil giant Astra Agro Lestari (AAL) of encroaching on 1,100 ha of protected rainforest in #Sulawesi, help endangered animals and #indigenous peoples - #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife every time you shop!
📸 Aaron Geckoski
Sorbatua Siallagan, an #Indigenous elder on #sumatra was abducted for wanting to keep the #paper industry out of his people’s forest. Protests have been going on for days demanding the closure of pulp giant Toba Pulp Lestari. #tutupTPL
#hutanhujan #hutanadat #Toba #rainforest
Pulau #Sulawesi adalah pusat industri #nickel untuk #e-mobilitas di seluruh dunia. Perusakan #lingkunganhidup, #hutanhujan dan sumber kehidupan masyarakat dan #indigenous people adalah bencana besar. Satu tim perempuan dari Selamatkan #HutanHujan datang ke #sulawesi
Perjalanan kami di #Sulawesi telah menunjukkan bagaimana dramatisnya dampak perluasan pertambangan #nikel bagi manusia dan alam. Dan seiring dengan peralihan #energi maka ancaman akan semakin tajam.

#News: Big #landrights win in #WestPapua by #Indigenous Knasaimos people of #papua. Yet enforcing rights remains challenging, due to lack of political will the #Indonesian government and persistent merbau #timber and #palmoil #ecocide #Boycottpalmoil

#Gold #mining kills #indigenous peoples 🩸 forcing women and children into sex #slavery! Help #Yanomami people forced violently from their #rainforest homes for the #greed of gold! 🪙⛔️ #BoycottGold #BoycottGold4Yanomami 🫶🌳 @palmoildetectives

#Gold #mining kills #indigenous peoples 🩸 forcing women and children into sex #slavery! Help #Yanomami people forced violently from their #rainforest homes for the #greed of gold! 🪙⛔️ #BoycottGold #BoycottGold4Yanomami 🫶🌳@BarbaraNavarro @palmoildetect

Guatemala: Maya Q’eqchi’ Community Evicted by Agroindustry in El Estor

#Maya #PalmOil #Guatemala #Indigenous

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#Native #Indigenous #Allies

“In #Indonesia & #Malaysia’s media, people can’t distinguish #fact from #fiction on #palmoil. A positive narrative about Dayaks & #palmoil is #greenwashing. This is NOT the lived reality for #Dayak people” ~writes Dr Setia Budhi, Dayak Ethnographer
#Boycottpalmoil #humanrights #Indigenous rights

Guatemala: European companies buy palm oil from a company engaged in violence against Maya Q’eqchi’ communities


#crudepalmoil #kernelpalmoil #palmoil #africanpalm #oil #picoftheday #guatemala #indigenous #indigenouspeople #africanpalm #nopesticides

#News: In Pará state, #Brazil: Tembé and Turiwara #indigenous peoples, and quilombola and peasant communities are fighting to take back land from #RSPO member and "sustainable" #palmoil company @Agropalmaemrede Story: @worldrainforest #Boycottpalmoil end #corruption #landrights

#News: Land conflicts in #Indonesia have nearly doubled under Pres. Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as his government an investor-first economic agenda that puts #landrights #indigenous rights and the #environment second #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4wildlife

#News: Recent changes to the #law that decriminalise illegal #logging in the rainforests of #Peru for #palmoil #meat and #gold mining are an attack on Peru’s forests, #indigenous peoples and the integrity of an entire nation #BoycottGold #Boycottpalmoil and be #vegan for them!

The #RSPO incorporated free, prior and informed consent into its criteria. However, after 20 years of "sustainable" #palmoil - #indigenous peoples still find it hard to pursue and win their #landgrabbing complaints against palm oil giants #Boycottpalmoil @palmoildetectives

A great and positive #indigenous solution. The Cameroonian Village Harvests Water from the Sky: The project is to preserve the Pygmy civilization. A traditional society of hunter-gathers is being hemmed in on all sides by exclusionary conservation projects and private land with ever-expanding #palmoil and #rubber #deforestation #indigenousrights #landrights #climate solutions

#Palmoil growth in #PapuaNewGuinea is a grave mistake. Many species are threatened by palm oil #deforestation in #Papua with 1000's more yet undiscovered. #Indigenous peoples are forced from their land. Boycott this disgraceful industry #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4WIldlfe every time you shop.

The huge growth of #palmoil in #Assam and #Nicobar Islands in #India poses a massive threat to rare beautiful animals, #ecosystems and #indigenous peoples. This is why we #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife Story via

What does it mean when you see snakes slithering along the path? These are tell-tale signs are passed down from #indigenous ancestors. #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Indigenous to help their survival. via @palmoildetectives

The #Indigenous people's respect for the land and their traditional agricultural practices can teach us to adapt to extreme weather and #climatechange #Boycott4Indigenous #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetectives

Te reo Māori inspires Native American to save her own Indigenous language from extinction

"I feel grounded being in Aotearoa because I can see the support and the love for te reo and Māori culture, and it gives me the reassurance that I can do this." #Indigenous #Native #Indigedon #IndigenousMastodon #TeReoMāori #Paiute

#SavingCarbonSinks: Ecuadorian social #movements have bypassed pro-extractivist #politicians with a national #referendum to keep #oil from Block 43 also known as “Yasuní ITT,” a concession in the deepest part of the Amazonian protected Yasuní National #Forest, in the ground. While movements around the world have successfully achieved #mining moratoria, this is an important new strategy for #environmental and #Indigenous #rights activists.

#RightsOfNature #SafeguardTheCommons #YasuniITT

The Navajo Suffered From Nuclear Testing. Oppenheimer Doesn't Tell Our Story #Indigenous #Indigedon #NavajoNation

Study confirms surge in deforestation in Indigenous lands under Bolsonaro #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation #indigenous #Bolsonaro

Anyone down to go get some #BenAndJerry's? Skoden...

#FoxNews saying exactly what they've been saying to every brown person they've ever come across. This is so very on point of them, making it out to sound like they are the ones injured in this scenario...🙄

#LandBack #Indigenous

Buy my latest zine "Sycorax: Portal to Afro-Indigenous Femme Subjectivity"

Print EU/UK only, €20

"...By focusing on Shakespeare character from his play The Tempest, Sycorax, those Afro-Indigenous femmes that often exist with a vocal void are able to begin to navigate through philosophy that does not commit any kind of erasure, be it either through gender or race by either philosophy or nation state identity building projects..."

#caribbean #latinx #indigenous

The world's first decentralized ledger system was Indigenous: #blockchain #Indigenous #AI

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