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Items tagged with: Twitter

I have 5,000 followers on #facebook; 3,000 on #twitter & over 1,000 on #Hive ….

But, I’m spending more & more time here (with only 20 followers, so far).


Hello #Mastodon friends,
I have reported this fake account (in photos), where someone is impersonating me in many comments using my photos & bio to promote their writing. If this account replied to you, don’t be duped.

Aside from reporting, there’s little I can do, but welcome any #tips. This happened on #Twitter & it’s disappointing to see it again here. But on social media, so it goes.

#Twitter suspends #Mastodon account, prevents sharing links: Our statement

I'm leaving #Twitter for the time being. I'll keep the account around, but that's it. No more posts, and I uninstalled the app. I'll stick to #Mastodon for now!

💡 This weekend would be a perfect time to #GiveUpGitHub.

☣️ #GitHub is the #Twitter of software development, creators of the most enticing proprietary walled garden ever made for #FOSS developers.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource

Twitter has blocked posting links to #Mastodon, you can't tweet a link to a Mastodon instance anymore, or at least you can't to any of the big instances (regex for the word "mastodon" perhaps?). The official @Mastodon account has also just been suspended. #Twitter #TwitterMigration

That just means #ElonMusk recognizes Mastodon as a real threat to #Twitter.


#ElonMusk also did not hesitate using #doxxing to eliminate someone he saw as an enemy (the guy who supposedly jumped on his bonnet. All #Elon fans started searching the guy's number plate to chase him down).

As for the last minute changes to #twitter policies about #location tracking & the possibility #birdsite will enforce #locationsharing, do remove your #mobile number from the site while you can!🚨

Nothing that this pathetic narcissistic loser does surprises or shocks me any more ...

#ElonSucks #Twitter #Mastodon #MuskIsAScumbag

Professional liar and fascist dipshit Andy Ng*o has been whining to Apartheid Clyde about the "Antifa" threat in Atlanta. Since Clyde acts on whims and according to whichever way a random right-winger strokes his flaccid ego, our official presence on Twitter may be coming to a close very soon.

But we've been preparing for this for a while. Our backup social media is ready, and centers around on, an explicitly antifascist Mastodon server where we will be impossible to deplatform. All our doxxes live on our website, which is also hardened. We will continue to spread them via traditional internet (newsletter, website) and non-Twitter social media. And we will still be on Twitter using socks in order to research fascists and spread insulting memes about Ng*o. Any fascist celebration at our suspension will be short-lived. We're in this for the long haul and you're bound to lose.

Eat shit, Nazis!

#antifascism #antifa #atlanta #georgia #AndyNgo #Twitter #DefendTheAtlantaForest #StopCopCity

:af: :ironfront: :black_bloc_blob:

We normally promote the conference Tech Intersections: Women of Color in Computing on #Twitter but won't this year for obvious reasons.

Please help us spread the word about this #bipoc conference in #Oakland #California.

We're offering 20% off with promo code MASTODON. #BlackMastodon #BlackFriday

We are giving free tickets to people who have been laid off with promo code LAIDOFF.

The event includes an #ally skills workshop for supporters of #woc.

David Eastman examines Mastodon's federated approach in a "decentralized Twitter" series he's been doing for The New Stack.

#Mastodon #Federated #Twitter #Decentralized

👀The EU has warned Elon #Musk that #Twitter could be banned in #Europe unless the billionaire abides by its strict rules on content moderation


Elon Musk Was Right About Twitter #Twitter


Hay un sábado de común denominadores✊

Compartimos nuestras lecturas recomendadas del mes con reflexiones sobre #Twitter y #Mastodon, #InteligenciaArtificial Feminista, Cultura Libre y procomún, y el cruce entre arte y tecnología, entre otros temas.

Puedes leer aquí

50 Ways Elon Musk Has Doomed Twitter #Twitter #ELONMUSK

Almost 180k new users joined #mastodon yesterday, a new record. This third #twitterMigration wave happened after Musk's Twitter 2.0 ultimatum to #Twitter workers. Each wave is stronger than the previous one. Here is my updated plot showing the three consecutive waves.

Cómo intro, llegué a #Twitter en 2009 por temas políticos de mi país MX.
A la llegada de Musk como CEO, sabía que pasarían varias cosas.
Llego a @Mastodon con la migración y aunque el registro fue raro (#Fediverse), me encuentro con una red de personas con ganas de mantener una comunidad más íntegra que en otras redes. Esto me agrada. :blobcatadorablepinkpat:
Aquí mi perfil es #CeroPolítica.
Creo que ya estamos hartos de eso.
¡Solo le faltan más personas para crecer!

#Friendica needs new contributors!

I'm not used to do this, but with the large influx of new users and node admins recently coming from #Twitter, our small team is now behind the curve for handling support requests, bug reports and bring about much-needed features.

The project is built on a #PHP/#MySQL platform, but we also need people to be able to assist others just using the software to give developers some space.

If you're willing and able to help, please follow @Friendica Support and the project on Github:

Thank you!

»Extrem hardcore« Elon #Musk stellt #Twitter-Angestellten Ultimatum.
Bis Donnerstag um 17 Uhr sollen Twitters verbliebene Mitarbeiter erklären, ob sie für das Unternehmen extreme Belastungen auf sich nehmen wollen – oder kündigen. Das verlangt der Firmenchef in einer geleakten E-Mail.

There are some online tools for finding out the Mastodon/Fedi addresses of people you follow on Twitter.

I'm not on Twitter so I cannot test them. However, if you want to have a go:

🐦 Debirdify

🔍 Fedifinder

Could you let the rest of us know your experiences in the replies?

If you want other people to find your address, put your full Mastodon address in your Twitter profile. More info here:

#Twitter #TwitterMigration

Some of the best ever moments on #Twitter come as it commences its death spiral ... I was *literally* laughing uncontrollably at this 😂🤣😂 🤣

#TwitterMigration #Twitterblue #twexit #ElonMusk #ElonMush

Still #giggling this morning in bed sorry! - don't care, gonna share

Content warning: birdsite, gdpr

AYY, I finally took a ban on #twitter 😂

I'm unsure what the fuck did I break, but here are all of my tweets, and can you point to me which tweet was the one I broke rules with? (in dora's the explorer voice)


Hey, all!

I'm Ane, a 2D artist. You'll usually see me talking about games and fandoms, memes + domestic life and nature ♥

In my free time I tend to personal art projects.

♦ Image description ♦

Those are Titan and Eden, OCs from my cyberpunk meets fantasy story.

A black-haired woman in a blue and black bomber jacket touches a giant on the cheek. The man wears a gold and red antique armor. They're looking at each other.

#TitanAndEden #GiantTiny #g/t #Giants #OC #Twitter #MastoArt

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