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Items tagged with: email

#SocialMedia provider or #socialmedia instance.

#Mastodon and #threads, and #bsky and others are brands. And brands carry baggage.

Just like we host #email. We also host #social

Very few care what is under the hood of our email servers. And it should be the same for social.

If you were looking for email clients for Linux, then your search ends here:

#linux #email

Apparently, I must trust you. I've downloaded it, installed it, attached it to my Gmail account, and have now received my email and sent one out.

Fingers crossed. πŸ™‚

BTW, I was pleased that I can follow them on Mastodon, something they offered as part of the installation.


Like the legend of the phoenix, we're resurrecting Mozilla Send, an end-to-end encrypted file share service, and bringing it under our wings as Thunderbird Send. In this clip from S1E5 of the ThunderCast, developer Chris Aquino gives us a sneak peek of the new - wait, old - er, reborn project!

Learn how #Thunderbird Send will help you overcome your file upload woes, respect your privacy, safeguard against abuse, and hopefully change your #email experience for the better.

#Development #Mozilla

Welcome to the debut episode of the Thunderbird podcast, which we're affectionately calling the ThunderCast!

#Thunderbird #Podcast #OpenSource #Email #Mozilla

β€œThe #fediverse is like #email.”


Now read this and understand it:

β€œI have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999 … But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.

Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality … I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.β€œ

Via @cancel

I find #Nextcloud is very slow when opening mails. Otherwise, it is a very promising #email client.

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