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Items tagged with: sketch

I like to think that even someone as stuck up as Étienne has no choice but to loosen up when hanging out with Sam. He's mastered the art of chilling and spreads his wisdom all around. A real good influence!
#utown #comics #sketch

It‘s so funny to me that on all other platforms almost no one sees my posts. And then there is mastodon with no algorithm at all and for the first time I have the feeling that my art isn‘t that bad at all. 💙

#MastoArt #art #sketch

A few months ago I was sick for a weekend, and I took the opportunity to see TOH.
and draw a little without pressure.

So here is a compilation thread of everything that came out.

#TOH #theowlhouse #bust #sketch #colortest #portrait #fanart #MastoArt

A little pencil sketch of my two dogs Sally and Misty sleeping together on the sofa. Pencils and graphite sticks on paper.

I'll do a proper drawing of Misty soon, this was just for practice as I haven't drawn much lately.

Hope you like it!
#art #mastoart #dogs #drawing #pencil #sketch #creativetoots

Is my lacking wit a good excuse for not having a clever caption?

#art #MastoArt #DigitalArt #sketch

J'ouvre des requêtes, à partir de 5€ :boost:
Si vous voulez que je dessine un (ou plusieurs) personnages de #OnePiece c'est par ici • :ko_fi:

Ce seront des #sketch (propres) au minimum (voir images), et si j'ai l'envie, je pourrais faire plus.

L'idée est de gagner un peu d'argent et de m'entrainer, et vous de voir des dessins de vos personnages favoris ou des scènes cool.

#QueerArtist #MastoArt #FanArt #KoFi #CommissionsOpen

I started making GIFs from my art at the beginning of pandemic, and I haven't really stopped:

J'ai commencé à faire des GIFs à partir de mon art au début de la pandémie, et je n'ai jamais arrêté:

#mastoart #fediart #drawing #illustration #sketch #creativetoots #gif #caturday

Sketch of my boi Uriah, but older this time, not sure if this will be his final older design, not even sure if his current young design is final, but he looks cute here so mayhaps
#art #MastoArt #sketch

🎉 Commissions are open! 🎉

I am back from my vacation and my commissions are still open. Interested in my art but would rather have a full body drawing? Just send me a DM! 😀

#art #mastoart #commission #CommissionsOpen #CommissionsAreOpen #sketch #ink #inkdrawing #lineart #watercolor #digital #digitalart

Be glad I’m not showing you the ones that went horribly wrong >😁

#mastoart #art #sketch #ink

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