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Items tagged with: INDIGENOUS

Anyone down to go get some #BenAndJerry's? Skoden...

#FoxNews saying exactly what they've been saying to every brown person they've ever come across. This is so very on point of them, making it out to sound like they are the ones injured in this scenario...🙄

#LandBack #Indigenous

Buy my latest zine "Sycorax: Portal to Afro-Indigenous Femme Subjectivity"

Print EU/UK only, €20

"...By focusing on Shakespeare character from his play The Tempest, Sycorax, those Afro-Indigenous femmes that often exist with a vocal void are able to begin to navigate through philosophy that does not commit any kind of erasure, be it either through gender or race by either philosophy or nation state identity building projects..."

#caribbean #latinx #indigenous

The world's first decentralized ledger system was Indigenous: #blockchain #Indigenous #AI

#Inuk artist Elisapie translated Blondie's "Heart of Glass" into Inuktitut! An absolutely beautiful folk arrangement and recording. @chrisstein you might be interested to hear! #music #Indigenous #quebec #musique

Reservation Dogs is calling for extras!

Do it, nerd. Go be an extra in Season 3:

#Indigenous #NativeMastodon #CineMastodon

Facebook isn't useless, it reminds me of corny things like this that I'm too embarrassed to share again there but that Mastodon might love. #corn #teosinte #maize #archaeology #archaeobotany #Indigenous

I know there's a lot of reading challenges going around, but I wanted to make one of my own centered around how to #DecolonizeYourBookshelf.

I wrote a little blog about the challenge on my site, would love for you to join along! I'm doing it and will share the books I pick for each category!

#reading #bookstodon #AmReading #books #bookcommunity #Indigenous #Diversity #LGBTQ #read #writingcommunity #writing #authors #inclusive

Content warning: Pride Toronto, misdirection of funds, settler-colonialism

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