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Items tagged with: DEFORESTATION

Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations #Indonesia #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil

The rare songbird the Jerdon's Courser is critically endangered in #India's Eastern Ghats region from #palmoil #deforestation. Help them to survive and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket via @palmoildetectives

8 in 10 lizards could be at risk due to deforestation

Deforestation Could Put 84% of North American Lizards at Risk, Study Says

#America #environment #wildlife #lizards #deforestation

Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough #environment #forest #forests #deforestation #corporations

Jerdon's Coursers have a distinctive melodic song and are fighting for survival, critically endangered from #palmoil #deforestation in #India. Use your wallet as a weapon and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife in the supermarket via @palmoildetectives

The Jerdon's Courser is a rare nocturnal bird belonging to the family Glareolidae. They are endemic to #India in the Eastern Ghats region. They are threatened by #palmoil #deforestation. Help them to survive #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#Deforestation is suspected to have adverse impacts on child #health. Investigating this phenomenon in #Cambodia, a recent study sheds light on the devastating impact of #prenatal exposure to deforestation on child health in Cambodia.
#Environmental #Biology #sflorg

The world's business and finance sectors can do much more to reverse deforestation—here's the data to prove it #nature #forest #deforestation #business #finance #politics

Authorities struggle to protect Bolivian national park from drug-fueled deforestation #Bolivia #environment #NationalPark #forest #deforestation #drugs

#News: #Research published in Nature finds the conversion of #rainforest into #palmoil and #rubber plantations in Indonesia erodes and restructures food webs and fundamentally changes the way they function. #ecocide #deforestation #Together4Forests #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

The largest of the howler monkeys, Colombian Red Howler Monkeys are decreasing due to #palmoil #soy #meat and #mining #deforestation. Help them to survive and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #BoycottGold via @palmoildetectives

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