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Items tagged with: mainstreaming To build the #OMN, we are looking for the tiny minority who can still think outside this mess and are willing to challenge the #mainstreaming narrative.

Have you heard actual people's voice recently, rather than #mainstreaming media and #fahernista mess. you can find meany here scroll way back and hear from the grassroots, a deep wisdom and meany good paths to take from to build better today.

With the influx of #mainstreaming the is now an epidemic of prat ish behaver growing the mess we need to compost

This is from every direction. Ideas please?

And yes, the #mainstreaming moving back to the #openweb is an inherent good. Am commenting on us and how we mediate this influx for native #openweb outcomes.

Making more mess is not helping #indymediaback is an example of a path that is "native" to mediating this mess, as is #OGB etc.

Each instance is supposed to have a carrector of its own, and to an extent some do, the moderation rules and action are all instance based, so this is important.

The best instances are small with mod teams you get to know, the rest is mostly #mainstreaming lies/misinformation, I only half joke ;)

The HUGE influx of #mainstreaming people are going to be bringing a lot of what for us #openweb natives is easy to see as prat'ish behaver to the #Fediverse. Let's keep this polite and try hand holding before biting 😀

The limits on #mainstreaming thinking, GIVE the kids the tool, yes some will break some will build it is human, in the end it's TRUST or CONTROL.

Look at the picture, can you see trump or gab on it? They are NOT. Code is a tool, it has no power, all power comes from the social side, and yes we use tools to build society's, so we could play semantic games but best not. All tools are joint use, to break and to build. TRUST is we give the kids the hammer to build the treehouse, control is we do it and force them to sit to the side and watch, one is healthy one is illness, and the illness is the current #mainstreaming view.

#openweb and encrypted chat should coexist without reproducing the mistakes of centralized #dotcons. Bounded projects like #4opens and #PGA help us resist #mainstreaming liberalism and create a shared space of practice and direction for politics and technology. Theory comes from practice, emphasizing grassroots #DIY practices, and using theory from them. Focus on the #4opens is important to avoid pushing mess

There are meany subcultures on #mastodon that have the idea that they are the ONLY subculture and everything they think is the big story of #fedivers culture. This is bad behaver and obviously not true.

What we do have in common is #4opens and a history of #openweb netticate. The rest is a point of view, valid for its group, but not the "big" story.

Good for #mainstreaming people to understand this healthy, but messy #open culture we have here.

we address all these issues at core #OMN project. Have been working to fix the current #techshit mess for the last 10 years. The #geekproblem which is a generally a metaphor for the more #mainstreaming #stupidindividualism after 40 years of worshipping the #deathcult is a hard crap behaver to step away from, ideas are not enough, action is needed, the is the history of grassroots direct action, you can drink from this history here good to take a sip.

"our" #4opens #OMN project does the first 3 things in a non #mainstreaming #openweb native way and the last one can be done fine by current technology, the are meany #4opens chat, mail apps so little new there to think on.

So maybe you should cut short your "individualistic" wanderings and participate in projects that are already far along the path you want to start on #nothingnew is only half a joke ;)

United we stand, divided we fall is very basic 😀 Like all the #mainstreaming techfads our #fashernustas spend endless focus pushing this same #dotcons crap at us. This is shit behaviour from our crew. Focuses please.

Well, it looks like we are taking BIG steps to becoming the new #mainstreaming. The libertarian cats have officially changed the world owner Automatic acquires an ActivityPub plugin so blogs can join the Fediverse | TechCrunch well done guys, now can we write some history please.

We played a part in the HUGE story, if we don’t write this the parasites and fashernistas, #NGO Burocrats and PR companies will… Help tell the story here, please.

With the #mainstreaming influx, the is increasing #openweb events run on #dotcons platforms, for example

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #BBB as it is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fahernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of. Welcome.

the #openweb is really going back to #mainstreaming a good thing 😀

This is the "rules based order" they talk about it's the RULE of the rich and powerful. Justice is the order we should talk about, good not to use #mainstreaming talking points. we are building all our projects, it's slow, they are pushing agenst the #mainstreaming flow.

Like my boat expedition down the Danube, turn the boat around, and you have a VERY hard time getting upriver.

The #OMN is pushing #openweb social tech up river

we are building all our projects, just it's slow, as they are pushing agenst the #mainstreaming flow.

Kinda like my boat expedition down the Danube, turn the boat around, and you would have a VERY hard time getting upriver.

The #OMN is pushing #openweb social tech up river 😀

put two funding applications in, though they will likely be alien too you and the funders as they come from the grassroots where the value is created on the #openweb and not from the mostly pointless #NGO's that normal get funding. Hope you and the #mainstreaming crew make the effect to understand this, as we can't keep doing the same #techshit we have done for the last 20 years ;)

#OMN #indymediaback #OGB this film is a look at the #mainstreaming of the #deathcult for the last 40 years. Talking about greenwashing of #mainstreaming environmental movements. it's a bad mess.

The #deathcult is a metaphor for neoliberalism that underlies the thinking of the #mainstreaming politics of the Republicans.

With the #mainstreaming flooding in, we need to tell our own stories or be swamped by their bad narrative. The subject of the cats and the Eurocrats

We have a good, convoluted #4opens process on the search link in the draft that needs putting into short words.

Then how to communicate the value in this "cat melowling" ;)

let's try and keep the "signal" in the current "noise"

A story on this grassroots work affecting #mainstreaming use of the #openweb would be a good thing.

A liberal #mainstreaming view of the mess and how we got into our current #deathcult without much politics or thinking.

We are an unfunded grassroots group, so it is obviously much harder for use to fund the instances you use than more #mainstreaming instances to receive much more user support.

We need to cover basic running cost, then we need to upgrade all instances to cover new users This is the #mainstreaming hierarchical #processgeek version of the grassroots horizontal #OGB project. Were we know the #OGB has worked fine for a hundred years, it's good to have diversity to experiment with untested approaches like citizens assemblies.

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