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Items tagged with: microbiology

Never a Dull Enzyme

by Roberto — The tricarboxylic acid enzyme citrate synthase from Synechococcus elongatus has the remarkable feature that it self-assembles into multimeric fractal shapes, specifically Sierpiński triangles. As Arthur Kornberg would have said: "Never a dull enzyme!"...

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Systematic identification of cargo-mobilizing genetic elements reveals new dimensions of eukaryotic diversity

#genomics #microbiology

A giant virus infecting the amoeboflagellate Naegleria

#viruses #giantViruses #microbiology

Fascinating - I'll have to make time to dig into this one later.

"Many purported pseudogenes in bacterial genomes are bona-fide genes"

#microbiology #pseudogenes

Who are giant viruses infecting in the ocean?

In a collaborative paper with the Vardi lab, we were able to link many giant virus lineages to protist hosts using #SingleCell #RNASeq. One #protist host (leucocryptos) made up less than 1% of the community, but we could still identify a cryptic viral lineage infecting it, leading to population collapse.

#marine #viruses #microbiology

Our latest commentary about a cool recent paper on virophage-mediated defense against giant #viruses!

March of the proviruses

#virology #microbiology

There's a new minimap2 release with ONT specific accurate long reads setting. Looking forward to giving it a test run!

#bioinformatics #microbiology

The Simons Foundation has amazing #postdoc #fellowships for anyone interested in #marine microbial #ecology or #evolution.

I'd love to sponsor anyone interested in viral diversity!

Please spread the word!

#viruses #microbiology

Looking for some suggestions - I'm working with Archaeal genomic regions whose optimally fitting model seems to be Tamura-Nei (

Would it be too much to suspect the Archaeal region is under similar types of evolutionary pressure?

#archaea #microbiology #evolution #phylogenetics #bioinformatics

Cool paper looking at biomass degradation in leaf cutter ant fungus gardens:

Mapping microhabitats of lignocellulose decomposition by a microbial consortium

#microbiology #fungi #cellulose

A refined single-cell sequencing technique provides insight into how pathogenic #fungi respond to drugs. #Candida #Microbiology

French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur was born #OTD in 1822

He is renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization, the last of which was named after him. His research in chemistry led to remarkable breakthroughs in the understanding of the causes & preventions of diseases, which laid down the foundations of hygiene, public health & much of modern medicine.

Louis Pasteur at PG:

#books #microbiology

Myxomycetes in the wild! Gelukkig waren de medewandelaars snel overtuigd van hoe cool Le Blob wel is en konden we gewoon 10 minuten blijven bewonderen. De stam zat helemaal vol: 'n gelukkige slijmzwam :blobheart: #microbiology #myxomycetes #Physarum #leBlob

Apply for our Phd project on "Discovering and characterising novel defence systems in pathogenic Serratia spp using microbiology and genomics"

#genomics #microbiology #omics

FindAPhD : Pathogens and Host Defences Doctoral Training Partnership PhD Studentships at University of Sussex

Contrasting drivers of abundant phage and prokaryotic communities revealed in diverse coastal ecosystems
#microbiology #bioinformatics

Happy to share our latest paper, in which we examined the timing at which different microbial groups colonized the ocean!

The first author (Carolina Martinez) is starting her lab at UC Santa Barbara in 2024 and is looking to recruit postdocs and PhD students, so if this looks interesting to you, please reach out to her!

A timeline of bacterial and archaeal diversification in the ocean

#microbiology #ocean #marine #evolution

Contrasting drivers of abundant phage and prokaryotic communities revealed in diverse coastal ecosystems

#marine #viruses #phages #ocean #microbiology #virology

🎉 New preprint from the (MDM) lab:


❓ How accurately can we predict diverse #bacteriophage bacteria-interactions from their #genomes only ?

🦠 We created a matrix of >38k #phage-#bacteria interactions to find out (=> AUROC 86%) & used our predictions to recommend tailored phage cocktails.

Predicting which phages infect which specific strains would allow to better fight bacterial infections and understand #microbial ecology.


#microbiology #virus #phagotherapy

Nice #oceanography study on particles and #carbon export

Planktonic #microbial signatures of sinking particle export in the open ocean’s interior

#marine #microbiology

*Slime mould appreciation post*

Slime moulds usually live as single celled organisms, but will occasionally perform an astonishing feat of cooperation - gathering together as a collective ‘organism’ to form structures such as fruiting bodies. They may resemble fungi, but are really a unique group of amoebozoa.

#Macrophotography #microbiology #slimemould #soilbiodiversity

A new episode of the EMBO podcast is out. I spoke with Hsiao-Han Chang, Gytis Dudas, and Hedvig Tamman about viruses, hosts, spillovers, public health... And also starting a new lab, the challenges of mobility, mentorship, and Die Hard Dracula.

#EMBOPodcast #scicomm #SciencePodcast #Virology #Evolution #Microbiology

Lessons from Chloroviruses: the Complex and Diverse Roles of Viruses in Food Webs

#viruses #virology #ecology #microbiology

Happy birthday to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 – 1723), the Dutch scientist & progenitor of #microbiology known for his improvements to microscope tech. He was a draper in Delft, then a politician with an interest in lensmaking. Using his handmade #microscopes, he was 1st to observe microorganisms, which he called tiny animals, or "animalcules". He also made pioneering microscopic observations on muscle fibres, bacteria, coffee & … 🧵1/n

#linocut #printmaking #sciart #histstm⁠ #MastoArt

Bacterial histones unveiled

#microbiology #genomics #dna

A diverse set of species, from #snails to #algae to #amoebas, make programmable DNA-cutting enzymes called #Fanzors — and a new study from scientists at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research has identified thousands of them.
#CRISPR #DNA #RNA #Microbiology #sflorg

Very interesting preprint by Ran Blekhman's lab (@blekhman): on , a resource integrating 168k human gut 16S samples for a global overview. Seems similar to , which combines >2 million samples (both 16S and WGS across all habitats)

#microbiome #microbiology

"We are in the midst of the "Platinum Age of Virus Discovery", an era characterized by the exponential growth in the discovery of virus biodiversity. "

A Parasite Odyssey: An RNA virus concealed in Toxoplasma gondii

#viruses #virology #microbiology

Top abundant deep ocean heterotrophic bacteria can be retrieved by cultivation

#microbiology #marine #ocean #DeepBiosphere

We are looking for a new colleague to lead the microbiology & immunology section of @PLOSBiology!!

Do you have micro/immuno expertise (including virology of course) & a passion for science away from the bench? This could be for you

Get in touch w/ any Qs!

Associate or Senior level

Applications will be assessed upon receipt

Boosts greatly appreciated!

#editing #careersinscience #microbiology #virology #immmunology

Testing out mk6 OD meter, preparing for upcoming microbii exp (in collab with @ATinyGreenCell ). Swapping out wires + commodity boards for custom circuit dramatically simplified things on my end. Mk7's already being polished for testing. Now to get some Julia growth curve notes running! #microbiology #amateurbiology

Cool paper! Also glad we are moving towards Patescibacteria and not CPR:

"Genetic manipulation of Patescibacteria provides mechanistic insights into microbial dark matter and the epibiotic lifestyle"

#microbiology #genomics #genetics

I get to share some great news today - I received the American Society for Microbiology 2024 Carski Award for Undergraduate Education! #microbiology

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek died #OTD in 1723.

A largely self-taught man in science, he is commonly known as "the Father of Microbiology", and one of the first microscopists and microbiologists. Van Leeuwenhoek is best known for his pioneering work in microscopy and for his contributions toward the establishment of microbiology as a scientific discipline. via @wikipedia

Books by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek at PG:

#books #science #microbiology

Went to Mountain "Lake" yesterday for a faculty retreat and I had to get some samples to look for microbes while I was there. Pretty epic mud.

The claim to fame of this lake is that Dirty Dancing was filmed here (when the lake was full). It is one of two natural lakes in Virginia and it has highly unstable water levels.

#virginia #freshwater #microbiology

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