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Items tagged with: fediVerse

The Netherlands is doing a pilot program to supply #fediverse accounts for all Dutch university students! :fediverse:
via @n1ckfg

"The Fediverse is Already Dead": Thoughts on the present and future of Mastodon, ActivityPub, and federated social media in general.

[ #meta #fedimeta #fediverse #socialarchipelago ]

There are three kinds of timelines on here:

Home - Main timeline, shows all posts by accounts you follow, plus posts which include hashtags you follow

Local - Shows all public posts by all accounts on your server

Federated - Shows all public posts by all accounts that your server has noticed

On the official Mastodon app, Local is called "Community", click the magnifying glass 🔍 to see it.

Click here for practical tips on using timelines:


#Fediverse #Mastodon

I’m lucky in my work to see firsthand the impact of what we do on systems and the people that run them.

We’re supporting @Mastodon through #FastForward because @Gargron, @renchap, and the entire #Mastodon team are doing important work and we want to help them scale it with integrity.

Well and it’s pretty neat to have a front-row seat (walk-on part?) to the revolution 😎 #TheFutureIsFederated #ActivityPub #fediverse #OpenSource

Nature has just put out correspondence that calls for scholarly institutes to join the #fediverse, and start their own #mastodon instances.

Together with that, the writers put out a longer article, 'Mastodon over Mammon', that explains the argument in greater detail, and is worth reading.

Great work by @brembs et al, which points to the core issue: the private ownership of public commons.

Full version:
Nature Correspondence:

This type of #Fediverse user-experience (#UX) problem could be solved in different ways.

#DecentSocial my prospective. this #openweb event, the feeling that 90% of the talking was about things that had been talked about way too much before and obviously did not matter for what needs to be #fediverse focus/done now. So strong noise to signal at this event.

This is kinda normal, obviously need good faith to mediate.

#academics #fahernistas #NGO #geekproblem need balance.

Who is up for helping bridge building in the next session in an hour or so 😀

#OMN Talking about practical working grassroots "governance"

#DecentSocial we would like to be part of the crew running a session on

Outlining this #openweb #fediverse native #OGB project people have been working on for the last few years.

It's reached programming stage, we have one dev and two experienced mentors, looking for a few committed #openweb coders of any skill level to build this not for profit project.

#DecentSocial happy to run a session about this project The is a lot of renewed interest recently after the aborted tech dev and rollout due to covid last year. This is a historically working grassroots "news" project that is native to the #fediverse and #openweb

Nice to see replies, we really need to celebrate that a group of grassroots #4opens activist got the #EU to use #fediverse #openweb apps. This shows where the value comes from, good to link to this thanks

Let's talk about engagement on the #fediverse:

The @EU_Commission
has 71k followers on #mastodon. They have 1.7 million followers on Twitter.

The same post got:
363 boosts on Mastodon
110 retweets on Twitter

So the same message got 3 times as many engagements on the #openweb

We really need to celebrate that a group of grassroots #4opens activists got the #EU to use #fediverse #openweb apps. This shows where the value comes from, good to link to this thanks

Let's talk about engagement on the #fediverse:

The @EU_Commission has 71k followers on #mastodon. They have 1.7 million followers on Twitter.

This same post got:
363 boosts on Mastodon
110 retweets on Twitter

So the exact same message got 3 times as many engagement on mastodon, in absolute numbers. And that happened with only 4% of the follower count on Twitter!

Ya'll reaaaally love trains over here 🚆

Thanks for being here EC, and please give us more trains!

#DecentSocialTopics second session about this project The is a lot of renewed interest recently after the aborted tech dev and rollout due to covid last year. This is a historically working grassroots "news" project that is native to the #fediverse and #openweb

#DecentSocialTopics If you are not focusing on worked though projects, then happy to talk about #openweb governance, media, news, archiving, EU outreach and #4opens approaches to the #fediverse and wider #openweb world.

#OMN Talking about practical working grassroots "governance"

#DecentSocialTopics we would like to run a session on

Outlining this #openweb #fediverse native #OGB project people have been working on for the last few years.

It's reached programming stage, we have one dev and two experienced mentors, looking for a few committed #openweb coders of any skill level to build this not for profit project.

A post of the working of the #indymediaback "news" part of the #Fediverse project you need to click past the non-working SSL error to read the post.

The link posted contains "&utm_medium=Twitter" which is obviously false here. I hope you don't use these metrics for anything, cause you might get the wrong impression that the #birdsite is still popular and nobody ever clicks your links from the #fediverse.

Every time I talk about @Mastodon in one of my videos, I get comments telling me they couldn't figure out how to ue it, or that it's too complicated.

So, I mae a complete guide to #Mastodon: how to create an account, how to find people to follow, how to use it, and the general etiquette here!

(Of course, you all already know all of that, but now you have a reference guide you can share with people who struggle to join us here!)

#opensource #Linux #fediverse

This is a great essay (and tool). I wanted to highlight one passage:

"All that's really necessary [to make an opt-in search index] is to create an ActivityPub instance and have users follow a specific account in order to opt-in. It even simplifies the system's architecture, because indexable content will get sent straight to the index instance, with no spiders required."

While you say this has been talked about before, *I* hadn't seen it so clearly expressed, so thanks!
#Fediverse #search

“The #fediverse is like #email.”


Now read this and understand it:

“I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999 … But my emails are just not delivered anymore. I might as well not have an email server.

Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality … I lost. We lost. One cannot reliably deploy independent email servers.“

Via @cancel

I got tired of forgetting where the #RSS / #Atom #feeds are on various #Fediverse platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.

Currently covers *deep breath* #Mastodon, #Bookwyrm, #Funkwhale, #GoToSocial, #Lemmy, #Misskey & forks, #Pleroma & forks #PeerTube, #Pixelfed, #Plume, #Snac2, #Takahe, and #WriteFreely


Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!

Here’s @coachtony sharing more about what we’re up to with, why we’re excited about #Mastodon and the #fediverse, and what it will mean for #Medium writers and members.

As @coachtony writes:

”Today, Medium is launching a Mastodon instance at to help our authors, publications and readers find a home in the fediverse. Mastodon is an emerging force for good in social media and we are excited to join this community."

They're also here on the #fediverse by the way @veloren although I'm still slightly cross at them for not announcing the release party more than 24 hours beforehand. I learned about it 4 hours after it happened. 😥

Attention fedizens, it has come to our attention that more trolls are causing a ruckus on the #fediverse. Beware of users who use acronyms like lgbtq/lgbtqia in posts or on their profiles.

LGBTQ/LGBTQIA stands for Let's Get Banned Today Quickly (by) Instance Admins, is used to refer to a group of trolls who like to block evade or "speedrun" getting defederated.

They will make inflammatory posts such as the one below to see how quickly they can get on #fediblock.

If you see any #lgbtqia individuals please block and federate safely.


Congratulations @Gargron 😀 🎊 👏 💐 🥳

Also Thanks For: #Mastodon & Several Different Independent Servers/Instances Run By Many Different People & Donations Too 😀 😀

Also Share #Fediverse Expansions, #PubActivity , & Mastodon, & Dumb Guides For Those Like Me - #Scott1984FP , & So Many Others Too,


How Many Like Me & Others Need #SocialMedia & #MastodonSocial & Other Mastodon Servers/Instances, For Emotional Connections/Networks/Relationships & Raising Awareness & More Too 😀



Yo #fediverse (and Twitter when this crossposts) 1st #YouTube stream starts in less than an hour! (6:30pm CST) Check the upcoming #stream @

#vtuber #vtubers #pokemon #linux #gaming


Woohoo! I'm fully in the #fediverse having self-verified my website. Checkmark didn't cost me $8 (or $11) or my dignity or the stability of our democracy yay! #mastotunde

There's a new groups system for the Fediverse called More info at:


You can join a group by following the group account. You can post to the group by @-ing the group account, which then reposts that to all its other followers

It is similar to the existing system, but allows a group manager to delete posts and ban people from the group.

It works on all Fediverse platforms including Mastodon.

#Fediverse #Mastodon

Hello 👋. Nice to #welcome you here. Hope you had a good start so far... and had time to mingle with many interesting people. Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately we don't know of any possibility to adjust this afterwards. But we are happy to find @aliceroberts in #Fediverse .

Good Night DEC Alpha, you have served us well.

Our last DS10L was pulled from the cabinet to make space for #mastodon and the growing #fediverse

This machine was put into service in 2003 and ran up until 2013 when it was given less public duties. It could famously achieve 1500+ days uptime only being taken down during maintenance cycles. Never had a CPU fan failure!

It ran NetBSD 1.5 up to 6.2.

@netbsd it is an end of an era!

Cómo intro, llegué a #Twitter en 2009 por temas políticos de mi país MX.
A la llegada de Musk como CEO, sabía que pasarían varias cosas.
Llego a @Mastodon con la migración y aunque el registro fue raro (#Fediverse), me encuentro con una red de personas con ganas de mantener una comunidad más íntegra que en otras redes. Esto me agrada. :blobcatadorablepinkpat:
Aquí mi perfil es #CeroPolítica.
Creo que ya estamos hartos de eso.
¡Solo le faltan más personas para crecer!

PSA - with the tsunami of people signing up at #mastodon instances all over the #fediverse, things will be a bit sluggish, federation will be slow and local outages will happen. Rest assured that admins everywhere are working hard to scale their instances with the demand. But be forgiving, too. This is the biggest wave I’ve seen in my many years on the fediverse.

Welcome to @Mastodon and the #fediverse! Are you aware of the rights you should have over software?

You should be allowed to:

• Use a program for any purpose - without any restrictions on place and time 🌍

• Understand the full code – and know exactly what it does 🔍

• Share and copy the program – developers can collaborate and share publicly their improvements 🎁

• Improve the code – e.g. for personal or local needs 📝 (1/4)

Hello new people! 👋

I run a human-curated directory of interesting accounts to follow on here:


Do you have an account that posts a lot about a particular topic? Would you like to be listed in the directory?

If so, @ me or send me a DM and let me know!

(The site only went live a few days ago so some topics are less populated than others, but this is why I am working on expanding it!)

Boosts appreciated :blobcat:

#Fediverse #Mastodon

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