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Items tagged with: illustration

And so, it begins my next zine. This five part story will be a long (but fun) journey.

"The skies of Black River is tinted red by the fine dust lifted by the dry winds. But the streets run red in old blood, the blood of the many that built this country.

They tought you that the dark can't harm you if there is nothing there. But be careful, just because you are blind it doesn't mean the void can't stare back at you."

#MastoArt #illustrationart #illustration #digitalart

Greetings Mastodon!

My name is Sean Closson I'm an illustrator from a little village in Maine, USA. I make a lot of art featuring prehistoric creatures.

You can buy prints, tshirts, and other cool things with my work on it here:

You can follow me on various other sites here:

#introduction #paleoart #sciart #illustration #digitalart #digitalillustration #artistsonmastodon

I started making GIFs from my art at the beginning of pandemic, and I haven't really stopped:

J'ai commencé à faire des GIFs à partir de mon art au début de la pandémie, et je n'ai jamais arrêté:

#mastoart #fediart #drawing #illustration #sketch #creativetoots #gif #caturday

The closest thing I can provide for #Mermay is one character from a germans #childrensbook series I illustrated (I'm not much into mermaids myself). The series is about a little northern german girl who got lost and got taken in by a squad of seagulls, one of which is a Mer-Gull named Pamela.
The gulls all care very lovingly for the little girl who is looking for her dad.
If you wanna find out more, here's a link (GER only):

[ #MastoArt #illustration #FediArt #Hamburg ]

an AU series i did for the gals of #yuyuhakusho where they’re as involved in fighting/supernatural stuff as the boys #digitalart #MastoArt #illustration #anime

Another T-Shirt illustration from some time ago. Always been a huge fan of anatomy, so drawing a massive and muscular troll was a blast. Inked using a Raphael #2 Brush dripping with Black Magic Ink on Strathmore. Old school!

Typically, with masculine lines, you go for a more chiseled angle to the linework (maybe a crow quill), but I wanted a more supple approach for this image.

#mastoart #art #design #illustration #TrollsRPeopleToo #nowImDigital

Hello there! I’m a digital artist from Spain. I draw colorful whimsical illustrations and characters✨

#introduction #mastoart #originalart #illustration #fantasy

Hey y'all! 🤩

I'm new to mastodon! So I'm doing an #introduction

I'm Elyssa/Leelums and I'm a black artist that illustrates, dabbles in animation, video game design, and a lot of things! I love working with local artists to help them create their vision. I'm also currently in university!

I really want to help create a supportive empathetic community together here 😻

#mastoart #creativetoots #art #illustration #painting #CPTSD

Eyes: green is a relaxing color
Brain: how about adding neon blue and yellow
Eyes: nO
Brain: yES

#mastoart #ocs #originalcharacters #art #drawing #illustration #illust #creativetoots

#introductions Hi there! I'm Ashley Mackenzie, a freelance illustrator with an interest in making thoughtful conceptual images. Some of my clients include The New York Times, Scientific American, Amazon and Tor. Though my main focus is editorial work I also enjoy designing stuff for games and books.

You can find all the places to see and support my work below!


#art #illustration #mastoart #creativetoots

I've made a biiiiig shop update on etsy! Now stocking #apparel, new #stickers, new #zine, and more!

Even just favouriting my shop and items on etsy, and rting this toot helps me out ❤

#art #mastoart #mastodraw #creativetoots #illustration #screenprint

So many new people here and across the fediverse! I guess it is time for another addition to my #introductions thread. 😀

I am a cross disciplinary artist who works with a variety of media. I post a lot of #photography here with some #illustration and #codeart

Most of my work can be found under #editbacklog and #humanalgorithms tags



#mastoart #creativetoots #photo #introduction

4 examples of my work below, and more upthread. 😀

Updated digital commission post!
Have a gander if you'd like an OC drawn, or one of your favourite characters (I'd love to do some Star Trek commissions, but have yet to do examples. So expect me to spam this once more)
My prices:
Ones with backgrounds (like these) - $65 / £50
Full Figures - $45 / £35
Busts - $33 / £25
More of my work here :
#mastoart #commission #commissions #creativetoot #art #illustration #digitalart

👋 Salut ici ! #introductions (repost)

Je suis Zorume, une #artist amatrice française 💙 Voici 4 de mes #illustration récentes. Je dessine du #FanArt, de l'original et des #OC.

:heart_sp_ace: Asexuelle • Panromantique :heart_sp_pan: • Agenre (elle) • 25 ans

Vous pouvez me soutenir sur #Kofi :ko_fi: où je poste tous mes dessins. Je vends aussi sur #RedBubble.



#OnePiece #Homestuck #DCComics #CodeLyoko lover 💙

#MastoArt #CreativeToots #Art #WomensArt #QueerArt

I've relaunched my Patreon! $1 gets you access to pretty much my whole archive~

🎏 🎏

#patreon #mastoart #creativetoots #illustration

Hello! This is my take to #introductions ! I'm 2D&3D artist from northern Europe, and my all eternal love lies with video games. I do a lot of fanart, but I've been sporting more originals lately as well!

#illustration #mastoart #endraeart #digitalart #creativetoot #introduction

Hi! My name is Danny but I also go by Skunk. I'm a Communication arts major at VCU studying with the goal of entering the games industry. I'm still very early into my education, but here is some of my work! #introduction #MastoArt #art #illustration

Comment devenir un artiste à succès sur Mastodon
Beaucoup des toots qui sont largement diffusés sont des introductions d’artistes. Cela peut sembler étrange venant de plates-formes plus grandes et sans visage comme Twitter, mais les communautés de Mastodon sont plus soudées, et un nouveau membre de la commu
#catsofmastodon #creativetoots #hashtags #illustration #mastoart #mastodon #photography

Hi 🌟 !
I'm Coliandre, a belgian artist and illustrator living in France.
I paint Fantasy and Faery stuff.

I've worked on many fields: comics books (Alice in wonderland, Soufflevent), children books, boardgames (like Mysterium, Dixit, Abyss), novel covers.

I also have my little worlds, such as "The Little Witches" or the "Dracofungus".

#introduction #art #mastoart #illustration

Any writers out there needing cover illustrations? 😀

Closeup of the fictional book cover I did. The whole thing here:

#MastoArt #moa #bookcover #illustration

I tried to explore botanical knowledge and cartography with this map. It's an attempt to represent my reading notes about the ecosystems of the soil. This thinking is inspired by the awesome #Cartanatomy serie by @Colpizen

#mastoArt #drawing #illustration #ink #cartography #mapMaking #botanicalArt #observarium #芹芹dessine

It really bums me out that setting up your own webcomics site is so difficult nowadays, and you don't need a lot! I'm started a project to help make it easier by using a static site generator.

It's a very, VERY early version, but if you're interested, it's called "Sunday Papers" and the starter code is here:

Please feel free to use/boost/ask questions!

#webcomic #webcomics #mastoart #comics #illustration #art

Dato che il clima globale è quello che è, ho deciso di fare dell'artivismo per sollevare un po' l'umore di chi guarda.

Ho creato queste due opere su cartone di recupero, con acrilici, fiori secchi e colla vinilica e le ho lasciate in giro per la città.

Per le parole, ho attinto dal ritornello di Love revolution dei Russkaja - .

Mi piacerebbe se altrə artistə in giro per l'Italia, ma anche altrove, facessero lo stesso, lasciando bellezza in giro affinché venga trovata - e anche portata a casa.

Non serve a nulla contro la pandemia, non serve a nulla contro la guerra, non serve a nulla contro la crisi, ma quando trovo qualcosa di bello per strada son contenta, e spero di rendere contenta altra gente in questo modo.

#arterandagia #illustration #mastoart #artivism #joinme

I'm Tömmey, a Digital 2D Artist and Animator, and I like to draw things. Feel free to have a butcher's at the stuff I've made so far or if you're interested, you can also find my commission details at

Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. ♥

#mastoart #art #illustration #animation

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