Items tagged with: OGB
For building alts we have reached beyond the end of what we can do by copying #dotcons as outreach like we are doing here we need "native" codebases as well as #FOSS copies of #dotcons to be the change and challenge we need.
The are projects that need your help and support here
#OMN #OGB #makeinghistory #indymediaback
Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!Mastodon hosted on
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
Rule making is always the death path of any working Alt/grassroots structure this comes soon after the dictatorship of the invisible hierarchy, its mess making.
This is a scripted fail that is recurring for 20 years of the #geekproblem in tech and #FOSS "governance" we do need to do better #OGB
I joined a #FOSS tech project to do "governance"
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it's a slave relationship 😀 well OK maybe a serf, most tech has this feudalism hardcoded its a path we need to do #4opens on hardcore 😀 is how most #dotcons and #FOSS tech works... it's a mess, we do need to do better #OGB
Talking about the free culture of the last 40 years of the last century. "Our" tribe living outside #mainstreaming tribe.
Is it possible to have a different economic and social world, and if it is how do we keep this in place #OMN #OGB #makeinghistory #indymediaback
The #mainstreaming are flooding in is good and it's bad.... the problem is we have no "governance" to decide which and to push this.
The purpose and vision for our #OGB project is to address challenges and conflicts that currently exist within grassroots organizations and assist in the management of those that arise. By creating a tool set for 'Do It Yourself' (DIY) governance. We aim to develop a 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' (#KISS) standard framework and process. This will become #OGB which can be used in future solutions, organically evolving through time.
A whole load of non "owned" social tech projects on grassroots social subject/path #OMN #OGB #indymediaback #makeinghistory of course things like this only work with shared values #4opens #PGA
And the current core standard #activertypub is also needed to escape the #siloing that comes so "naturally".
@NGIZero @sovtechfund
Our current crap #tech funding and #dev agendas are a part of this extinction level event
The last 20 years of #techshit has obviously been both pushing this problem and doing almost nothing to stop it. On the #openweb tech side, we are still being prats on his.
Please think about this #geekproblem, thanks.
#OMN #OGB #4opens #indymediaback
World has lost battle to stop glaciers melting and sea level rising, UN meteorological chief says
"We have lost this glacier melting game and sea level rise game," Professor Petteri Taalas tells Sky News.Hannah Thomas-Peter (Sky News)
In the era of #climatechaos and #XR people who are #blocking the needed social change in tech are criminals, that are playing an active role in the genocide of our societies and peoples due to social and ecological breakdown.
We have different paths in place #4opens #openweb #OGB #indymediaback #OMN are working examples of social tech tools to mediate away from this #mainstreming criminality.
Take a moment to step away, take a breath, think then act. Don't be a prat, thanks
Working and thinking on "native" #openweb aproches to governance
The #SocialHub and the #fediverse do not have to conform to traditional hierarchies and power structures. Instead, they have the potential to create new models of governance and organization that empower communities and promote social change.SocialHub
On the subject of governance this has been worked on for the last few years #OGB and is at the stage where most feature requests are answered "let the people deicide" so ready to encode and rollout.
It's build from hundreds of years of on the ground "undocumented" grassroots organizing which we know works, rather than the normal #geeproblem and #fahernista approaches that tend to pile up more #techshit to compost.
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
#OGB can I point you to a project that has been widely developing over the last few years on #socialhub to move "governance" from the coders to the producers, the instances and the people.
Yes it's messy and truly "native" for this, it's based on what works, a long history of what works.
We can't keep making more #techshit as you say, it's not the helpful path 😀
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
This is a fundamental "democratic" problem that we don't have a solution for.
Please help to build the #OGB
This is from every direction. Ideas please?
And yes, the #mainstreaming moving back to the #openweb is an inherent good. Am commenting on us and how we mediate this influx for native #openweb outcomes.
Making more mess is not helping #indymediaback is an example of a path that is "native" to mediating this mess, as is #OGB etc.
Working and thinking on "native" #openweb aproches to governance
The #OGB describes a permissionless process/structure that is open and allows the group that forms using the tools to decide who is a part of the group or not.SocialHub
# that itself came out of the outreaching #activitypub to the #EU, which a group of people organized.
What would a fediverse "governance" body look like?
This reply is related to an off-topic comment in What would an ideal fediverse organization do? A formal organization can have a variety of structures and you can assign roles and power in a variety of ways.SocialHub
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
The #OGB pushes that the bulk of the voice comes from those who run the #Fediverse, the people who run/support the instances. The people who build the tools also get a say, as do support orgs and events, and the users who will be spread widely get a say, but their power is diluted by the much larger numbers involved.
Discuss The Grassroots Fediverse organization structure
OK I asked yesterday for some clarification on this proposal but as nothing has happened I edited in some questions, can we address them please in a polite and constructive way.SocialHub
We are building from what works #grassroots #DIY with #OMN #indymediaback #OGB based on theory from practices.
Good to engage with this flow to practice activism.
Explains the motivation, vision and goals of the #OGB, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities it faces. Please feedback.
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
Digital addiction, the drug in our pocket is a problem we need to deal with. We need tools not drugs #OMN #OGB #Indymediaback
How New Addictions are Destroying Us
Then & Now is FAN-FUNDED! Support me on Patreon and pledge as little as $1 per video: send me a one-off tip of any amount...YouTube Let's build our tech with this in mind #OMN #OGB #indymediaback
#DecentSocial we would like to be part of the crew running a session on
Outlining this #openweb #fediverse native #OGB project people have been working on for the last few years.
It's reached programming stage, we have one dev and two experienced mentors, looking for a few committed #openweb coders of any skill level to build this not for profit project.
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
#OMN #indymediaback #OGB
#OGB @ogb
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
#DecentSocialTopics we would like to run a session on
Outlining this #openweb #fediverse native #OGB project people have been working on for the last few years.
It's reached programming stage, we have one dev and two experienced mentors, looking for a few committed #openweb coders of any skill level to build this not for profit project.
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
Citizens’ assemblies: are they the future of democracy?
A look at the surge in popularity of randomly selected councils that offer an alternative to politics as we know itGuardian staff reporter (The Guardian)