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Items tagged with: Microbiology

Endless microbes most beautiful and most wonderful

"To reflect the importance of microbes and to create a home for microbiology research using genetics, PLOS Genetics will be launching a new section on Microbial Genetics. "

#microbiology #microbes #bacteria #protists #archaea

Alternative stable states, nonlinear behavior, and predictability of microbiome dynamics

"the abrupt community changes observed through the time-series could be described as shifts between “alternative stable states“ or dynamics around complex attractors."

#microbiome #microbiology

Linking prokaryotic genome size variation to metabolic potential and environment

#genomics #microbiology

Fascinating study!

The methanogen core and pangenome: conservation and variability across biology’s growth temperature extremes

"Increased methanogenic growth temperature is associated with reduced genome size, and thermotolerant organisms...have larger core genome fractions, suggesting that genome size is governed by temperature rather than phylogeny. "

#genomics #pangenomics #microbiology

The methanogen core and pangenome: conservation and variability across biology’s growth temperature extremes #microbiology #bioinformatics

A field-wide assessment of differential expression profiling by high-throughput sequencing reveals widespread bias #microbiology #bioinformatics

Fascinating study on #genome #evolution :

Scaling of Protein Function Across the Tree of Life

"The abundance of functional categories in a given genome scales with genome size, suggesting that universal constraints shape category abundance. Here we look across the tree of life to understand how genome evolution may be related to functional scaling. "

#genomics #microbiology

Bacterial aerobic methane cycling by the marine sponge-associated microbiome

#microbiome #microbiology

The MksG nuclease is the executing part of the bacterial plasmid defense system MksBEFG

#plasmids #microbiology

Identification and characterization of thousands of bacteriophage satellites across bacteria

#phages #viruses #microbiology

RT @MaximRubinBlum
Fantastic postdoc opportunity in the field of #marine #microbiology @BarIlanU - check out

Happy 35th birthay to the #LTEE! 🎂 🎼 Started #OTD in 1988 at UC-Irvine, raised at #MSU, now residing at UT-Austin in Jeff Barrick's lab and approaching 77,000 generations!!
#evolution #science #microbiology #experiments #time #TimeTravel

High-resolution metagenomic reconstruction of the freshwater spring bloom #microbiology #bioinformatics

Blooms of #Cyanobacteria pose a significant threat to #freshwater systems including rivers driving both #eutrophication and its dire implications for freshwater species as oxygen availability plummets and also the additional threat posed by #cyanotoxins produced by some Cyanobacteria.

This new research in Scientific Reports takes a #metagenomics and Q-PCR approach to explore the composition of the Cyanobacterial populations and their cyanotoxin production gene in major rivers across the United States (in 2019) and identifies Microcystis as the key toxin producing genus across this study.

Find out more on:

#microbiology #ecology #MicrobialEcology

Thanks to @ATinyGreenCell we now have a beautiful bacterial rainbow for agar art! Science has never looked so beautiful #microbiology #bacteria #rainbow #AgarArt #science #art #USFCMS #STEAM

"Here, we identified an endogenous cGAS-like enzyme in Pseudomonas aeruginosa that generates 3′,3′-cGAMP during phage infection, signals to a phospholipase effector, and limits phage replication."

#Microbiology #InnateImmunity

We are all too familiar with the all-too-often catastrophic impacts of #COVID19 #infection on human #health.

This fascinating new #metagenomics research in mBio explores a potentially important and intriguing link between the presence and relative abundance of different functional guilds present in the human gut #microbiome (including short chain fatty acid biosynthesis and virulence functions) and disease severity and outcomes resulting from the virus. Clearly a subject for future extended studies to explore potential increases in severity due to infection and exacerbated or mitigated by differences in gut microbiomes.

Explore the research on:


As we (humans) get to grips with how to scale up #hydrogen as an energy source (and for energy storage) and as part replacement for #fossilfuels, this new research (once again) shows that #microbes have beaten us to it and evolved their own solutions for energy - in this case using hydrogen power.

This new research in Nature Microbiology explores how hydrogen in seawater supports growth of multiple and diverse #bacterial species.

Fof those (like me) in #Melbourne , you may be interested that the research also includes study of this process within #PortPhillipBay sediments.

Learn more on:

#microbiology #bacteria #ecology #MicrobialEcology

Homology of DNA import systems in #archaea to the #conjugation transport systems in #bacteria.

New research in Nature Communications on:

#microbiology #HorizontalGeneTransfer #evolution

Excellent review on microbial food production #microbiology #microbialfoods

I started a new jar, in parallel with the old jar. The only difference is that the new one uses distilled water instead of tap water, and about half as much yeast extract. I inoculated the new jar with about 8oz from the old one. #ScienceExperiment #microbiology

#Virus control

This exciting new research explores the influence of #virus #infection in changing the balance of organic matter degradation between #bacteria and #eukaryotes in #marine #carboncycling during #phytoplankton blooms.

Based on #mesocosm studies, this research demonstrates how #viruses infecting different #microorganisms change community dynamics and the release and potential fate of marine carbon from primary production.

Learn more in this new research in Nature Communications on:

#microbiology #ecology #MicrobialEcology

Fascinating study examining the switch from coexistence to pathogenicity in a marine association

Bacterial lifestyle switch in response to algal metabolites

#microbiology #marine #symbiosis

For the evolutionary microbiologists in your life - I am looking to hire a post-doctoral fellow! Research topics are quite open, including evolution of antimicrobial resistance, pathogen surveillance, and experimental evolution.

#microbiology #postdoc #experimentalevolution

Super interesting paper that analayzes one of the #LTEE populations that evolved stably coexisting #ecotypes from Joao Ascensao, Kelly Wetmore, Ben Good, Adam Arkin & Oskar Hallatschek.
#Microbiology #Evolution #ExperimentalEvolution #EcoEvo #popgen #PopulationDynamics #Genomics

🔬Bonnie L. Bassler
Molecular biologist. She researched chemical communication between bacteria, also called ‘quorum sensing’.

#microbiology #science #womeninscience #art #mastoart #ciencia #digitalart #portrait

Wonderful Bio about former postdoc in the lab @giant_virus !

"Monir Moniruzzaman Studies the Secrets of Giant Viruses"

#viruses #microbiology #marine

When I started my lab a few years ago I started building up an in-house library for students. Two of the first books I bought are The Logic of Chance (Eugene Koonin) and The Origins of Genome Architecture (Michael Lynch). Both are remarkable books that discuss genomics in the context of microbial diversity and the tree of life.

What other genomics/evolution classics do people always keep around?

#genomics #bioinformatics #evolution #microbiology

Lovely autumn scenery as I dash to get back to my desk for the #FEMS meeting. We’re progressing our plans for the Congress in July in Hamburg. Hope you can join us! #microbiology

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