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Items tagged with: books

I'm currently taking an evolutionary biology course so expect some fun evolution-themed content here through the summer.

The last time I took this class was in 2001 & it's exciting to recognize how much we've learned over the last 20+ years.

And I'm using your terrific book @Carl_Zimmer! (Should anyone want to check it out, it's a fantastic read #science #books)

"Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is counting."

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born #OTD in 1646. He was a mathematician, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He is a prominent figure in both the history of philosophy and the history of mathematics. He wrote works on philosophy, theology, ethics, politics, law, history and philology. via @Wikipedia

Books by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz at PG:

#books #philosophy #mathematics

His books would make such amazing gifts for kidlets.#Books

For the love of #books & #reading, here’s a new volume for your #library 📕

#video #bookstodon #inspiration @bookstodon #writing #WritingCommunity #saturday

"Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood."

Read the first reviews of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
By Dan Sheehan via @LitHub

"For Mr Orwell, the most honest writer alive, hypocrisy is too dreadful for laughter: it feeds his despair."

#books #literature #dystopia

You know that feeling when you’re within 100 pages of finishing a beautiful story & notice you’re a bit sad because you’re not ready to say goodbye to such enchanting characters?

I’m at that part of Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. It’s the most magnificent book I’ve read in years. #books

I was on WUNC earlier today to chat about The #Science of Kissing on NPR’s Embodied.

It was a treat to meet the other guest, Kadar Small, a photographer, director & filmmaker behind the acclaimed photo series “PDA.” Kadar photographs moments of kissing & intimacy between Black & brown queer folks in public & at home, exploring what this kind of connection looks like through his work.

Listen at #lgbtq #art #books

YES! Penguin Random House, authors, parents & students filed a federal lawsuit in FL challenging removals & restrictions of #books from school libraries that violate free speech & equal protection under the law.

"Ensuring that students have access to books on a wide range of topics & express a diversity of viewpoints is a core function of public education — preparing students to be thoughtful & engaged citizens."

I do love having Library Extension in my browser. As soon as I clicked the link to look at the book title on Amazon, Library Extension told me that my local library had the book (both printed copy and ebook), and I was able to place a hold on a copy on the spot. There will be a short wait — some holds already placed — but it saves me the price of the book.

#libraries #library #LibraryExtension #books #reading

Thank you, for this tremendous #photo — like a waking #dream or #time #travel.

Which is how I feel about the #desert in general & I’m fortunate to have visited this one, in particular: White Desert (aka ‘Farrafra’) in #Egypt .

Here’s a #book I wrote about my transporting desert experiences— with #photography 🙏🏼✨

@bookstodon #books #bookstodon #culture #mysticism #poetrycommunity #poetry #writing #Morocco

"Elder Race" from Adrian Tchaikovsky is among the readable #books too. Small but good.

Looking to get lost in a great story?

I’m currently #reading these two wonderful #books & highly recommend both.

Wandering the stacks at Copperfield’s #Books 📚

Beatrix Potter is best remembered for her charming tales of Peter Rabbit, but did you know she also studied #science?

Potter collected & examined beetles, butterflies, plants, bird eggs, shells, rocks, fossils & especially fungi. She conducted experiments & wrote a scientific paper with her own illustrations, presented at the Linnean Society of London. However, as a woman in the Victorian era, she couldn’t even attend the meeting. #HistoryRemix #history #art #books

Little black cat in a big forest. An altered book by Isobelle Ouzman.

#art #books #bookcarving

Battle for Libraries

The nonprofit #InternetArchive is appealing a judgment that threatens the future of all #libraries.

Big #publishers are suing to cut off libraries’ ownership and #control of digital #books, opening new paths for #censorship.

Please, Internet, Do Your Thing!

Bookstores are a money sink 😻

#art #books

Born in 1852, Mary Titcomb had a strong desire for an education & career.

Mary became a librarian & making #books accessible to everyone was a priority. She came up with a children’s room & set up “book stations” in shops & post offices in town.

But Mary noticed people from rural areas weren’t visiting the #library. So, she secured funding to build & begin the nation’s first bookmobile. 📚 #history #HistoryRemix

Totally agree with your statement -->> "And no matter where you are, librarians are always the kindest, most helpful people you’ll find. Still, somehow, this magical system of exchanging #books & sharing ideas is entirely free." Thank you for sharing. 🙂​

"Still, somehow, this magical system of exchanging #books & sharing ideas is entirely free."

"Still" doesn't feel right. You mean "because."

Libraries are just amazing.

I’m on the other side of the world in a lovely public library in Australia & spotted a book I co-wrote 14 years ago. And no matter where you are, librarians are always the kindest, most helpful people you’ll find. Still, somehow, this magical system of exchanging #books & sharing ideas is entirely free.

“If current trends continue, women & men will be equally represented in the field of biology in 2069. In physics, math & engineering, women should not expect to reach parity for more than a century.“

“The data show that women are systematically denied the chief currencies of scientific credit: publications & citations.” #women #science #books

Sometimes literary works of fiction inspire scientists.

Meet “Ampulex dementor” aka “the dementor wasp.” This species, discovered a few years ago, was named after the mythical dementors in "Harry Potter" that suck souls with abandon.

Why? The dementor wasp injects venom into its prey, turning cockroaches into passive zombies before dragging them off to be devoured. #nature #science #books #SharedPlanet

I know there's a lot of reading challenges going around, but I wanted to make one of my own centered around how to #DecolonizeYourBookshelf.

I wrote a little blog about the challenge on my site, would love for you to join along! I'm doing it and will share the books I pick for each category!

#reading #bookstodon #AmReading #books #bookcommunity #Indigenous #Diversity #LGBTQ #read #writingcommunity #writing #authors #inclusive

I've started reading The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth. I'm already in love with this book. This line has totally sold it for me:

"Now some people will tell you that great writing cannot be learnt. Such people should be hit repeatedly on the nose until they promise not to talk nonsense any more."

The Elements of Eloquence
#books #bookclub

its day 21 of the harpercollins union strike and still no word from harpercollins execs.

if you want to support they currently have an open letter that you can sign to voice your support.

making the entry pay for publishing prohibitively low means that people who dont have extra social safety nets are essentially barred entry. which is bad for ALL OF US.

I signed and you should too:

#strike #bookstodon #books #reading

I've posted several times here but didn't do official #introductons post

I'm an unpublished #writer living in #Seattle #PNW who enjoys posting about #books (fiction, nonfiction, YA, adult, just about anything especially from diverse authors)

I make silly posts about live #sports of all kinds, unusual #history stories, jokes, animation, kdramas, gbbo, Top Chef, all sorts of things. I keep it relatively wholesome & try hard to avoid spoilers

is there an inventory online somewhere? I’d love to find a synopsis on each.

I’m also curious about who was writing about what and when, and who kept these books for so long. This is a fascinating glimpse into the past. If only books could talk!

(Coming soon to) # # #

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