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Items tagged with: OpenWeb

With the influx of #mainstreaming the is now an epidemic of prat ish behaver growing the mess we need to compost

This is from every direction. Ideas please?

And yes, the #mainstreaming moving back to the #openweb is an inherent good. Am commenting on us and how we mediate this influx for native #openweb outcomes.

Making more mess is not helping #indymediaback is an example of a path that is "native" to mediating this mess, as is #OGB etc.

Broken, this reflects in broken people and broken cultures. In the end - #4opens means we just have to do better, as we can't enforce any NO's all we can do is pee on "broken" in the hope this speeds up the composting of the mess they make. And if all around us stinks of pee nobody's wants to be a part of the #openweb, so the solution is for us to do better, the is a chicken and egg problem here #OMN

@Gargron is not a bad "King" as kings go, but #feudalism is a very bad form of "governance" for the #openweb reboot we need to move to democracy sooner than latter #OGB

One initiative that is working to address this issue is #NGIZero, which is a program funded by the European Commission to support the development of #openweb technologies. Through this program, funding is provided to support projects that are focused on creating safe #NGO and #geekproblem projects. Our chatting classes in alt-tech are a narrow and uninspiring bunch, we need better views on the #openweb please, are any more organic intellectuals out there, let's talk #4opens

Interestingly, the #openweb is giving a very different view on video "news" than you get on the #dotcons

The HUGE influx of #mainstreaming people are going to be bringing a lot of what for us #openweb natives is easy to see as prat'ish behaver to the #Fediverse. Let's keep this polite and try hand holding before biting 😀

We still need "governance" codeing to scale the #fedivers #openweb reboot, people are currently #blocking by pushing the pointless and powerless #NGO path. We need to develop something better than this. The is a long-running project #OGB that works in a "native" way

I am really liking this #openweb coders song idea, could ask these guys to do a quick recording what do you think, worth wile or not?

Updated the #openweb commons song it's rather good, who will record it 😀

#openweb the #fedivers is native to the thinking, it's working well and will likely destroy billions of dollars of #CONTROL and in balance create billions of "dollars" of happiness before it like the #OPENWEB early is consumed and goes back into the #CONTROL mess it grows from, this is a balance. Are you on the side of CONTROL or TRUST is a semi seruse question

Chumbawamba - "English Rebel Songs 1381-1984"

2003 Mutt Records, 2008 PM Press

This is the 2003 re-recorded version of the album.

To read the original CD album booklet, go to

Yes, software can/should be owned and operated by #coops as #FOSS code, so they are adding to the coding "commons" this bridges the more traditional vertical thinking to work in hand with the grassroot thinking.

They can be complementary with shared FOSS licences

#openweb power that is impossible for the traditional closed source world to reproduce.

This is about CONTROL and TRUST we have this chose in the wider world

#fediforum We need to think about damage and good netiquette, all #Fediverse codebases are open-source.

People using and bring in codebases that are #closedsource are not "native" to the #fedivers. There will be STRONG social backlash about people who bring in closed source into the #openweb path.

NOTE am not pushing this problem, It's what is here in the space, have a blog on this subject

It's hard to for people to understand the value in "commons" as most of the important thinking on this subject is pre-modern. Though the whole #WWW for 20 years was built as commons, the #dotcons were built on/by enclosing these commons we built, we actually did not think about this much. What we did think on this subject, was barely covered #deathcult worship... thus the mess we are in now.

Please take this moment to step back to the #openweb

Any updates on this? If they are going down the same #NGIzero path then they are the problem rather than the solution, the value is in #openweb culture more than the hard tech which at best if a manifestation of this value.

Let's hope this is not a fuckup, please? Send me info when you get it, as we need to talk about this stuff at the #fediforum event.

#openweb and encrypted chat should coexist without reproducing the mistakes of centralized #dotcons. Bounded projects like #4opens and #PGA help us resist #mainstreaming liberalism and create a shared space of practice and direction for politics and technology. Theory comes from practice, emphasizing grassroots #DIY practices, and using theory from them. Focus on the #4opens is important to avoid pushing mess

Our common sense in tech is often the problem for #openweb projects

There are meany subcultures on #mastodon that have the idea that they are the ONLY subculture and everything they think is the big story of #fedivers culture. This is bad behaver and obviously not true.

What we do have in common is #4opens and a history of #openweb netticate. The rest is a point of view, valid for its group, but not the "big" story.

Good for #mainstreaming people to understand this healthy, but messy #open culture we have here.

"our" #4opens #OMN project does the first 3 things in a non #mainstreaming #openweb native way and the last one can be done fine by current technology, the are meany #4opens chat, mail apps so little new there to think on.

So maybe you should cut short your "individualistic" wanderings and participate in projects that are already far along the path you want to start on #nothingnew is only half a joke ;)

United we stand, divided we fall is very basic 😀

OK in context weeding out people is nothing to do with genocide, this is obvuse just read in context, good faith is a start to overcome this. In the context, MOST people are a "waste of space" try thinking about the native tribes being exterminated by the incoming western culture - who here is wasters of the space?

The #SSL is about"unthinking" created by centralizing security - think what happens to the #openweb if Let's Encrypt goes down -an example of the recurring #geekproblem

you should do nothing you don't want to end up in public view with any setting on mastodon, it's a #openweb application, so think of it as media. Please keep this in mind when adviceing people on security thanks #OMN

How should we organize in #mastodon, the #Fediverse and the #openweb in general?

This was the founding text of our two mastodon instances 5 years ago

We are still providing #openweb services and coding projects for radical grassroots actavism

Looking like the flow of history is going to be a step to the #openweb with the recent #dotcons take up of #activitypub this will push Twitters #bluesky to a “me to” project, unless they bridge to AP which they will very likely will refuse to do, like diaspora, the same #geekproblem motivation repeating itself.

We do live in instresting times, agen for #openweb tech and its social power.

The current state of much of our tech, we need to do better with the #activertypub #Fedivetse #openweb reboot, please pick up the shovals the is much composting to do.

hummm maybe I fix my blog at some point, keeps the SSL error for 5 years to illustrate a #openweb a point... pastime to come out from this "stealth mode" 😀

#boatingeurope For the last 10 years I have lived mostly off the grid. On the boat 240w of solar power and 100AH of storage produces many of the toots and posts you see here on the #openweb this is a change many people need to go through in different ways if we are to flourish in the era of #climatechaos

Vampires are gathering around the #openweb reboot. Mozilla leads Mastodon app Mammoth’s pre-seed funding:​

With the #mainstreaming influx, the is increasing #openweb events run on #dotcons platforms, for example

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #BBB as it is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fahernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of. Welcome.

This #openweb event is being run on a #dotcons platform

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #BBB as is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fahernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of. Welcome.

The chatting class talking about the mess the #dotcons have made of the #openweb and internet

Digital addiction, the drug in our pocket is a problem we need to deal with. We need tools not drugs #OMN #OGB #Indymediaback

An issue central to the #openweb Social value is always from groups of people, and yes it's tempting to play semantic games by saying groups are made of individuals, but that would be pointless #blocking so let's not.

the #openweb is really going back to #mainstreaming a good thing 😀

I kinda think TRUST should be built into social media - security is only a tiny part of this and often a unthinking #geekproblem BLOCK on this building of social "trust". Good to think about this.

#openweb #4opens

The is a huge move back to the #openweb going on, if you ask #OMN nicely and make grassroots radical video content you can ask to become a part of this group and mirror/upload your videos here we are building all our projects, it's slow, they are pushing agenst the #mainstreaming flow.

Like my boat expedition down the Danube, turn the boat around, and you have a VERY hard time getting upriver.

The #OMN is pushing #openweb social tech up river

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