Items tagged with: Fédivers
@rooftopaxx we are going to be thinking about shutting down all #OMN instances as the is currently no money to pay the hosting, and outreaching is not working without a LOT of help.
The #DIY coding project is not actually working anyway, the has been no movement beyond chatter on the tech side of #OMN for the last few years, and the #fedivers stuff was set up to seed this dev.
Any ideas for a good path, happy to pass the instances on to a new responsible crew.
(OGB) This is a space for working through Governance of horizontal projects - using #KISS online tools.Open Media Network
The #4Opens The #dotcons can not be fixed. The #fashionistas who keep flocking to new “ethical-ish” ones are a problem, not a solution. The #4opens are a simple way to judge the value of an “alt/grassroots” tech project.Open Media Network
Next Generation Internet Forum 2023)
Next Generation Internet Forum 2023Next Generation Internet Forum 2023
@bob @Hamishcampbell
It's hard to stress how "niave" meany devs on the #fedivers are after 15 years is exactly what I have been saying for 20 years.
#openweb #4opens is about building human trust, hard security is a very slightly overlapping but easy to see different path for building non "trust" based connections.
Some surprisingly hard to build bridges might help with this ongoing mess.
This text reads like a vanguardist path, based on #mainstreaming reading and narrow #geekproblem thinking. It's missing the paths that hold value in #4opens horizontal activist paths we are taking but. But yes, getting lost on in our the growing #fedivers and the wide spread of #openweb diversity projects.
What it does highlight is the need for social and political thinking is needed, the is value there.
Can you see any of this feedback?
BRANDING on the fediverse
Branding matters, as everyone is now talking about who should own/control/use/abuse branding on the #openweb is both a technical in the sense of templating and hardcoded brandin…SocialHub
Discuss The Grassroots Fediverse organization structure
OK I asked yesterday for some clarification on this proposal but as nothing has happened I edited in some questions, can we address them please in a polite and constructive way.SocialHub
#openweb the #fedivers is native to the thinking, it's working well and will likely destroy billions of dollars of #CONTROL and in balance create billions of "dollars" of happiness before it like the #OPENWEB early is consumed and goes back into the #CONTROL mess it grows from, this is a balance. Are you on the side of CONTROL or TRUST is a semi seruse question
People using and bring in codebases that are #closedsource are not "native" to the #fedivers. There will be STRONG social backlash about people who bring in closed source into the #openweb path.
NOTE am not pushing this problem, It's what is here in the space, have a blog on this subject
What we do have in common is #4opens and a history of #openweb netticate. The rest is a point of view, valid for its group, but not the "big" story.
Good for #mainstreaming people to understand this healthy, but messy #open culture we have here.
Lets take a fresh look at #openweb history
#Web01, #Web02, and #Web03 are terms that are used to refer to different generations or phases of the World Wide Web (#WWW). The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents that i…Hamishcampbell
We have managed to herd the cats before, so can do this agen.
Please promote your SocialHub. It is important!
Good to put this into practice EU outreach - If we dont tell our story am not sure who will lets talk about all the good things we “cats” have done, this is a first draft article for people to edit.SocialHub
Podcast Empfehlung
Podcast Empfehlung
Hochinteressanter Podcast zum Thema #Datenschutz und #DigitalServices Act bei #Mastodon. Ist aber auch meiner Meinung nach interessant für alle andere Software im #Fedivers
!Friendica Admins
Mastodon-Recht für Instanz-Admins - Nutzungsbedingungen, Datenschutz und Digital Services Act – Rechtsbelehrung 112 - Rechtsbelehrung
Was man vor dem Betrieb einer Mastodon-Instanz rechtlich über Nutzungsbedingungen, Datenschutz, Moderationspflichten und Steuerrecht wissen muss. Mit Dr. Malte Engeler.Thomas Schwenke (Rechtsbelehrung)
@Hypolite Petovan what will be best practice to get started to support developers? Unfortunately, I not that much experience in open source community social culture. I guess participating the discussion on the git site?