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Items tagged with: fediVerse

The new #spreadmastodon project needs to balance the damage with the good it does with its outreach project.

The wider #Fediverse relying heavily on a single platform, mastodon or instance, can have negative consequences. Leading to a concentration of power and influence in the hands of a few individuals and entities. This can result in issues such as censorship, lack of innovation, and a loss of privacy for users.

Critical government communications can’t depend on walled gardens.

National Weather Service needs to join the #fediverse.

(Edit: Tell them at Thanks @alex for the tip!)

From esteemed writer Nadia Asparouhova on #substack #notes

> Alternatives that my peer circles are using:
> Mastodon = I saw someone describe this as “the types of people in the US who always threaten to move to Canada” and I’m not sure I could describe it more perfectly
> Farcaster = crypto
> Bluesky = postrats
> Notes = writers (?)


In actuality the #fediverse folk stayed true to their word and are now happily residing in the digital equivalent of Canada!

The #fediverse is the home of modern internet counterculture. It's where people come to talk about the great entanglement of hypercapitalism, surveillance states, monopolization, unionization, mutualism and #opensource .

It's where we go to talk about how to get ourselves out of this monumental mess we're in; no shortcuts or temporary workarounds allowed this time.

This was nearly 6 years ago, the #fediverse has come a long way. We have reached a mess stage, a good problem to have to fix 😀

How grassroots alts are ripped apart and die the is a long history to this problem we are seeing now with the #activertypub movement that built the #Fediverse good not to be blind to this mess making

#indymediaback #IMC #geekproblem #fahernistas

I posted about #CoSocialCaTechOps exploring using Fastly as a CDN to the new #Fediverse category of their developer community site

Anyone else have good guides on CDN + Mastodon combos? I’m guessing tootctl media pruning features heavily.

Looking forward to discussions with the team! @jenn @haubles @simonwistow @anildash is a server for the Global South, let's welcome them to the Fediverse!


Official description: "Paktodon.Asia is the online public square for the Global South - a safe 'azad' mastodon server for ordinary citizens, students, and activists, to share, learn, grow, and collaborate in. Though we are all pakistani, Paktodon.Asia is open to friends from across the world!"

#FeaturedServer #Asia #GlobalSouth #Pakistan #Pakistani #Mastodon #Fediverse

Let 1000 funding models bloom the the Fediverse. Here is one, via @timbray:

"CoSocial is yet another #fediverse outpost...What’s different is that it’s Canadian, and a member-owned co-operative. Both of those matter to me, but the co-op part is the real story.

... $50/year and you’re a member/owner, with an account at There’ll never be ads. Nobody will ever get rich. A few people might make a living, down the road. You will never be the product."

Eugen, please stop #hellthreading yourself, please?!

It's a total pain trying to hunt down your #serialized publishings all over the place in chronological order and in #context when you do that.

Just put your thought into #one_single_post like everyone else or wait until you're sure you've finished what you have to say before clicking on the #publish button, okay? Pretty please?

#tallship #Fediverse #ActivityPub #comprehension #netiquette


Really Eugen?

Your interview with Time Magazine notwithstanding?

That was IMO, a grave error on your part - conflating mastodon with #Fediverse and without one single utterance of the word "Fediverse" throughout.

It served to cause much of this confusion on the part of n00bs and as a result, now jeopardizes your trademark.

Fact: There's no such thing as a mastodon network. Only the #ActivityPub powered Fediverse


The #OGB shaping of the "body" comes from a long history/experience of horizontal activism, where "those who do the work have more say."

The #OGB pushes that the bulk of the voice comes from those who run the #Fediverse, the people who run/support the instances. The people who build the tools also get a say, as do support orgs and events, and the users who will be spread widely get a say, but their power is diluted by the much larger numbers involved.

I am able to like posts about and follow Owncast streams (Twitch for fediverse). And it shows up in the stream chat! This is the coolest thing! ty @gttradio #owncast #fediverse

Interesting revelation from #gargron in recent interview on server choices for newcomers (

“However, I think that possibly going forward, we might rework the onboarding user experience into **presenting a default option as well as an advanced option, where all that stuff with choosing a server would basically be hidden away from the people who get intimidated by choice**.”

@fediversenews @hosting #fediverse

A win for Mastodon and journalism: The successful campaign to stave off closure of the @TexasObserver got a boost from the magazine’s fan base in the #fediverse.

“Among the unexpected sources of support for the magazine was the #fediverse—the collection of decentralized Mastodon servers that soared in popularity following Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. Many comments on the GoFundMe page mention that the donors learned about the Observer through #Mastodon—where the Texas Observer was one of the first journalistic outlets to set up its own server, @jamescanup said.” via Guardian

#TexasNeedsAnObserver #mastodon #journalism

The HUGE influx of #mainstreaming people are going to be bringing a lot of what for us #openweb natives is easy to see as prat'ish behaver to the #Fediverse. Let's keep this polite and try hand holding before biting 😀

If you want people's advice about any topic, type your question and tag it with #AskFedi, which is kind of like a bat signal for advice on the Fediverse 🦇

If you want a post to be shared, try adding "Boosts appreciated!". Some servers may even have an emoji for this such as :boost_ok:

By the way, remember that if you want your post shared publicly you have to give it a Public or Unlisted visibility setting. (More info about post visibility settings here:


#fediforum We need to think about damage and good netiquette, all #Fediverse codebases are open-source.

People using and bring in codebases that are #closedsource are not "native" to the #fedivers. There will be STRONG social backlash about people who bring in closed source into the #openweb path.

NOTE am not pushing this problem, It's what is here in the space, have a blog on this subject

Would you like to see support for a specific library, developer tool or any other critical open source component?

The thing you announced this through: #ActivityPub and the #Fediverse 😀

The Fediverse is probably the most critical infrastructure to save democracy.
ActivityPub is the world’s leading federated social web standard.
A large community had given their last shirts to make it happen. It feels like a locomotive which is pulled by sewing thread.
Co-organised some Confs
The next Community meeting is Mar 29 virtually.

PS: Please all, see also

#SocialHub is a community-driven space that seeks to promote #activertypub, working with new models of governance and organization that empower communities. It is part of the larger #fediverse, which is a network of decentralized social media platforms that do not conform to traditional hierarchies and power structures.

My presentation "Introduction to the Fediverse" is live on Youtube:

(updated link)

(and yes, we're looking into Peertube in the future. Just not right now.)

#fediverse #presentation #mugorg

that's true, mastodon is feudalism and has its own robes and crown. The #Fediverse needs to pull it into the more democratic fold, this is done by doing better on our part, the king of mastodon is very unlike to move without a bit of carrot and stick on the rest of the codebase. This is exactly the problem we are solving with #OMN projects, have been dealing with this mess for a long time 😀


Well I would say we need a unified communication network base on #4opens, and surprisingly we already have this, the #fediverse so #nothingnew comes to mind agen, I only half joke.

Yes, the #dotcons mad a mess over the last 20 years, and nobody who was in their right minds would not push the word together and add the hash ;)

Its basic.

This IEEE piece on the rise of #Mastodon & expanding #Fediverse with thoughtful observations from @tchambers is worth a read.

Decentralized Social Media Rises as #Twitter Melts Down:

I’m delighted to see the Rachel Carson post included & I hope it inspires more folks to learn about her legacy.
(h/t @paulvg)

Hello #fediverse

Let's make this first toot count...

Check out our revamped documentation 😎 :

8th EasyBuild User Meeting 🥰 , 24-26 April 2023: - register if you plan to attend (physically or virtually).

6th EasyBuild User Survey 🧐, open until 31 March 2023: - let your voice as an EasyBuild user/contributor be heard!

#HPC #community

magic, would be good to have a more human-readable address, could this be done on #Fediverse codebases if so can ask here

How should we organize in #mastodon, the #Fediverse and the #openweb in general?

#Help wanted: Could you please fill in and circulate (#retoot #reblog ) the following survey on #Mastodon and #fediverse ?

This survey is part of a #research project led by @__nate__ and me and it is aimed at understanding the reasons that motivated people to using Mastodon, their expectations in doing so and their current experience using it.

The developer of #owncast (@gabek) is starting a project to document how all software in the #fediverse actually federates with each other. Check it out at

This should make it easier to understand how every software project actually interoperates!


There's a tiny, but very significant change to the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress. Exciting times for blogging. 😀

#WordPress #Fediverse

Watching @tchambers (and team) doing some super interesting and informative work on the growth of the #Fediverse and #Mastodon - this looks extremely interesting, and looks to become a quarterly update 👀 (also, if you're interested in this space, follow him!)

New research from my team on the #TwitterMigration:

This is our first quarterly update analyzing which platforms are growing - esp #mastodon & #postnews. Includes new data on users posting, app downloads & more.

Get it here: ▶️

Any help boosting and sharing out this new work is very appreciated!

Working on a draft #4opens review of the proposed video conf app, it's not "native". Of course not policing what people use rather outlining good/traditional practice My thinking you would be better off using #BBB as this is a gold #4opens app and a good tradition of organizing events for the #Fediverse using this tools so win/win 😀

Content warning: Long thread/3

The #OGB project, stands for Open Governance Body. It is an initiative to create a governance body for the #fediverse, a network of decentralized social platforms that use the ActivityPub protocol.

Explains the motivation, vision and goals of the #OGB, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities it faces. Please feedback.

With the #mainstreaming influx, the is increasing #openweb events run on #dotcons platforms, for example

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #BBB as it is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fahernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of. Welcome.

This #openweb event is being run on a #dotcons platform

In the #Fediverse we have a good history of using #BBB as is native, not alien to WHY and HOW we do things. Can understand coming in from the #fahernista and #NGO agenda is a learning curve, good to try to be native to the space you would like to be a part of. Welcome.

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