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Items tagged with: OpenWeb

"In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new. ... There's a palpable feeling that this just might be the year of the open web."

is this feeling... hope?

#ActivityPub #Ghost #fediverse #OpenWeb

These guys are insane, this might be the first time you have noticed this, but it's always been true. Insanity is a part of the belief system of some socialists, the is a bad history to this

#openweb #BlockchainSocialist #dontbeaprat they are saying they need to use the #4opens to build their insane system, why not just build with the #4opens and skip the nuttiness #KISS

At the #OMN Our 5 instances were funded by the remaining 5k of the tech fund from visionontv project grant for the last ten years, this pot of money is now beyond empty. It was never self funded... This is normal issue... Have been applying for #FOSS Dev funding for #OMN last 3-4 years to cross fund the instances but nothing, #blocking, as most of this funding is poured down the drain.

The instances have been running to seed the #OMN tech Dev and provide hands on #ux and backend mod knowledge for these Dev projects.

The is nothing happening to fix this #FOSS mess, only the #fashionista stuff is sustainable and this soon disappears when it goes out of fashion.

#openweb reboot is limited by the people working on it. We obviously need to do better and we can if we choose too #OMN

@msaunders @rooftopaxx

@rooftopaxx the problem is the is nothing kollectiva as well, its a problem with the coding of this #openweb reboot, its fading as it goes #mainstreaming this is not a surprise thus the thinking about shutting down, only have so much focus.

 these people are more "problem" than they are "solution", why do you think this might be so?

#4opens #openweb #dweb

The crew look so out of touch with the #fediverse and our #openweb reboot in general.

#dweb #web3

The undeclared war on #4opens is becoming "common sense" on the #fediverse with the shift to #mainstreaming this is back to the mess we were stepping away from with our #openweb reboot. the is going to be a lot of prat’ish behaver from both inside our #openweb movement and outside from the #dotcons we need a way to mediate this

I updated my WordPress plugin that warns your site's visitors if they don't have an ad-blocker installed.

#wordpress #webdev #WebDevelopment #ads #AdBlocker #OpenWeb #IndieWeb

Good that people are talking about the political side of development of the #openweb

It's interesting to see the balance of fail and success in this #openweb project/community in the small picture we seced in the big picture we fail, a recurring #geekproblem. How to care about this is something we don't think about much. Maybe this should be a part of our SocialHub Community Values, how can we embedded something like this, is it even possible.

#modteam this instance is costing : $39.00/month we don't get in a fraction of this from here this is completely unsuitable. Please put in a monthly donation to keep the #OMN instances online, thanks.

Support the #openweb

this is indeed hopless #fahernista wobbly gook, more composting needed - what happened to our #openweb outreach to the EU

#EU #openweb The mess we make of the #openweb

this is a bad path, we are human to human here #openweb

I smiled at your comments in the clip about #Mastodon where you say "...I think that's a model of where we go, where we use the geeks as we need to but don't put them in charge any more..."

I love what the dev community is building here for non-techies like me. #fediverse #foss #openweb #journalism #newmedia

ye[p they were #dotcons all along, and we abandoned the #openweb for them.

Let's see if the #reboot of this original #4pens project can grow.


For the last 15 years most activists have been organising direct action in the #dotcons so a step to the #openweb is a good step.

I was involved in the setting up of the instance we are talking about, when pushing this I pushed it was #4opens after it was out of the hands of #submedia the talk of "hardening" began, and is still ongoing bad pushing of a foles agenda. It's #openweb not #closedweb

They are different paths with only slight overlap.

@bob @Hamishcampbell
It's hard to stress how "niave" meany devs on the #fedivers are after 15 years is exactly what I have been saying for 20 years.

#openweb #4opens is about building human trust, hard security is a very slightly overlapping but easy to see different path for building non "trust" based connections.

Some surprisingly hard to build bridges might help with this ongoing mess.

This text reads like a vanguardist path, based on #mainstreaming reading and narrow #geekproblem thinking. It's missing the paths that hold value in #4opens horizontal activist paths we are taking but. But yes, getting lost on in our the growing #fedivers and the wide spread of #openweb diversity projects.

What it does highlight is the need for social and political thinking is needed, the is value there.

Can you see any of this feedback?

I wonder about the balance of #NGO parasites to #openweb "natives" in events like this.

Do we have a way to "judge" this #4opens please?

Interesting to look at the #openweb reboot from the stats

ON here I talk abut things that matter for the #openweb from 20 years expirence of doing things that matter on the #openweb

People who #block this, the increasing majority, are making themselves pointless.

Because this pushes them to focus on things that do not matter.

Please don't be one of these pointless people, thanks 😀

@NGIZero @sovtechfund

Our current crap #tech funding and #dev agendas are a part of this extinction level event

The last 20 years of #techshit has obviously been both pushing this problem and doing almost nothing to stop it. On the #openweb tech side, we are still being prats on his.

Please think about this #geekproblem, thanks.

#OMN #OGB #4opens #indymediaback

In the era of #climatechaos and #XR people who are #blocking the needed social change in tech are criminals, that are playing an active role in the genocide of our societies and peoples due to social and ecological breakdown.

We have different paths in place #4opens #openweb #OGB #indymediaback #OMN are working examples of social tech tools to mediate away from this #mainstreming criminality.

Take a moment to step away, take a breath, think then act. Don't be a prat, thanks


I wonder if people understand what activism is on the #openweb any more?

You talk to people to explane why they are doing WRONG, and at the same time you push them as HARD as you can to change their wrong behaver.

This works best with the #fluffy #spiky debate as a core part of this process.

People who keep saying "why can't we all get along", and "wouldent it go better if we were nice to each other" and the PROBLEM blocking the activism from having the needed affect…

For this funding to be a #openweb project, it needs #openprocess which transparency is a core #4opens I don't think either of the current funding projects do this - likely for privacy and security and "safety" issues -this makes them non "native" to the #openweb they are saying they are a part of. A tension we need to talk abut.


People are suiciding the idea of the #openweb agen, they just can't help themselves. 40 years of worshipping of the #deathcult affects people's attempt to be humane "common sense" wins in the current mess each time.

This is BAD, very bad, come on guys #4opens

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