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Items tagged with: fediVerse

really enjoying the fact that #lemmy has listed an islamaphobic/queerphobic/xenophobic/ethnonationalist instance on their site (/s)

#MastIndia #Fediverse #islamaphobia #hindutva

Post keynote, I can report that I got multiple interesting questions about #Mastodon after my talk.

It’s great to watch the #fediverse grow & change & I hope we can keep welcoming new communities here. /2

For those that might be new to the #Fediverse and to #Mastodon in general, I've written a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

While this isn't a complete list, I feel it's a great place to get started and what can help you find good content and to help others find you and what you are interested in.

#MastodonMigration #TwitterMigration #TipsAndTricks #NewUsers #FediTips #AllThingsTech #Blog I wonder how much people recognize that from a #openweb “native” prospective we are failing in just about every way in the #Fediverse apart from more people, and more tech mess. Please don’t JUMP to take this the wrong way, more people is GOOD, more tech mess is part of the process.

Organizations New to Mastodon <img class=" title=":mastodon:"/>​ :

This is an excellent report by @legoktm on @wikipedia ’s experience on the Fediverse.

Experiences and goals will vary for each organization of course, but there are a lot of interesting things in there that could be helpful to you too!✨

#Wikipedia #Mastodon #Fediverse

@fishcharlie There’s a #Reddit alternative that’s a part of the #Fediverse (just how Mastodon is). It’s called #Lemmy. Maybe people can move to that. 🤔

@freakazoid @moparisthebest @msavoritias

something you are not addressing, why do we need encryption at all in the #Fediverse it's all currently #4opens and is very successful because of this - why do we need encrypted DM's that a current chat app cannot do?

Graze for Mastodon 1.4 is live!

:graze: #GrazeForMastodon

✨ Updated visual design and theme selection

🏞️ Expanded link previews

👓 Display image caption (alt text) below images

📂 Rearrange accounts order

🔔 Direct access and separated notifications and messages

🏠 Toolbar updates to show home and incompatible instance(s)

👋 “Follows You” indicator on remote profiles

🧠 Fixed logic for incorrect redirects (Calckey, TikTok, etc)

🏠 Mastodon logo on all instances points to active account home

⚙️ Configurable options and settings

Download at

#feditips #mastodon #mastotips #fediverse #reboost #retoot #opengraph #a11y #themes #customization #calckey

Hamish Campbell is an #openweb organic intellectual and a part of the #OMN. He is the owner of the website, which features his projects, videos, and blog posts. He is also active on social media platforms such as the #Fediverse, Twitter and YouTube. Hamish is interested in the intersection of politics and technology and believes that all code is ideology solidified into action. He is critical of contemporary code based on capitalism. is a server for the High Performance Computing community and those in related fields:


For more info see their About page at or contact their admin @admin

#FeaturedServer #HPC #HighPerformanceComputing #Supercomputing #Supercomputers #Computing #Computers #Research #Data #Science #ComputerScience #CompSci #Fediverse

My data visualization project that lets you explore your connections across the fediverse now supports:

- Mastodon
- Friendica
- Pleroma/Akkoma 🆕
- Misskey/Calckey 🆕

Try it here:

#dataviz #fediverse #mastodon #friendica #misskey #calckey #explore #data

#Instagram is now allowing people to comment with GIFs.

The Verge doesn't like this and bemoans the death of thoughtful analysis. I'm sorry... what?

When did Instagram ever have thoughtful analysis in the comment section? Most of the comments I ever got on Instagram were 🔥emoji, and "Looking good!"

Meanwhile, here on the #Fediverse, we've had GIF comments for ages, and the reputation we have is that we're all overly-serious folks!

Hey, #Calckey even allows you to make MFM animations!

I don't think GIFs have anything to do with how "thoughtful" and "analytical' a social media comment might be.

Content warning: fedi meta

Well well well if it isn't cryptocurrency spam coming from the biggest, open instance on the #Fediverse. 👀

I wonder if this is at all related to challenges with moderating an instance of *checks notes* 200k active accounts? Or with moderating new accounts on the only instance actively promoted in the official apps? :thinking_rotate:

Thankfully we can always defederate! What's that? It's the biggest instance so there are real concerns about a lot of people losing connections? Whodda thunk it!

This show has been blessed with some WONDERFUL guests over the years. Here's a complete list:

But who do you want to hear from next? (If they're on the #Fediverse, tag them for me).

#Podcast #Linux #OpenSource

@Igor Warneck @👤 𝟳𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀 ✅🖖🇨🇮🔒 Genau weil mastodon so murksig ist, verwenden wir es nicht.

Dieses #fediverse wird sich nicht an dich anpassen ... das musst du schon auch selbst gebacken kriegen. ;)

As we slowly watch cryptocurrency and NFTs get replaced by the next big fad in venture capitalism, AI, I'd just like to thank everyone fighting for a free and open internet. #mastodon #fediverse #indieweb #FreeAndOpenInternet

#fediverse we are going to have waves of #mainstreaming people coming into "our" #openweb counter currents, bringing a lot of non-native, unthinking blinded mess with them, they will push this mess over us as common sense then they will retreat back to #mainstreming and point at us covered in mess... "look these guys are covered in mess we can't work with them...

Yes this is bad behaver, ideas please?


I understand preventing harassment and dealing with content that's illegal, but the #fediverse is part of the #openweb. should we also be policing the truth of what people put up on their own websites? Instances must have their own standards but a social web where it's hard to post unpopular perspectives and have the potential to reach a wide audience (via strict content policing and fediblocks) will be very bad for democracy.

OK its mastodon, but from a Eurocratic institution, question have they added some security or admin option to increase security/control at their end? Remember the #Fediverse works on trust, so easy to break from this locking down? Just a thought?

The only two design choices available aren’t “funnel everyone to” or “present a list of thousands of servers.” The default button could automatically round-robin a large list of servers that are known to be run by good actors. This is a solved problem. The solution is not being used, in this case, because, clearly, does want to grow.

#design #decentralisation #mastodon #fediverse #falseDichotomy

We need responsible people to STOP pushing only #Mastodon as this is not helping, just look at the SPAM currently spewing from this process. With this mess we are building a codebase and an instance that are "too big to fail" this is absurdly stupid and not needed.

Please link and talk about the #openweb or the #fediverse to start to compost the mess you are making, thanks.

You asked for it, now its here:
:mtg: :mtg:

:fediverse: The #Fediverse instance for everything #MagicTheGathering!

:tap: Sign up for an alt account and start posting about the greatest game ever.

:wotc: This server is not affiliated with Wizzards of the Coast or the Magic the Gathering brand.

#mtg #magic #instance #introduction #introductions

With pandemic-related things calming down a bit, and especially with the surge in fediverse use over the last 6 months, it seems like a good time to regroup. Would anyone be interested in attending an online fediverse conference, or helping to organise one?

#fediverse #ActivityPub #conference

The excellent @dansup (creator of @pixelfed) also maintains two very useful Fediverse tools:

➡️ - A dashboard for the Fediverse, with details of how server types and specific servers are growing.

➡️ - An opt-in directory of people on the Fediverse sorted by keyword. You can add yourself to the directory by including special hashtags in your profile.

If you've used them before, take another look as they've both just been revamped.


it's not, but people keep pushing it in... #diaspora is from the #encryptionists agenda where the #Fediverse is #4opens

Mess and composting comes to mind.

#fediverse alive servers stats

servers: 21,593 (+19, max: 21,646)
users: 9,056,397 (-75,733, max: 9,151,340)
MAU: 1,474,663 (-2,634, max: 2,444,236

top five projects (users / MAU / servers):

<img class=" title=":mastodon:"/> 7,498,366 / 1,375,084 / 12,384
😛eertube: 297,236 / 24,773 / 1,251
<img class=" title=":pleroma:"/> 142,473 / 16,662 / 1,354
<img class=" title=":pixelfeed:"/> 170,269 / 14,796 / 442
:fedibird: 29,873 / 11,291 / 3

@fediverse @fediversenews Let's Get OPB on the Fediverse!

Oregon Public Broadcasting is no longer active on Twitter as of April 13, 2023.

Let's get them on the fediverse! Use this form to tell them why they should take part in a social media space which is freedom-respecting and federated. You should especially contact them if you're in #Portland , #Eugene , or anywhere else in #Oregon

#fediverse #journalism #news

There's a lot of great explanation sites about the fediverse and its various communities, and I wanted to take a stab at this myself.

The site (very much work in progress) is aimed at a more casual audience. Let me know what you think!

#fediverse #SocialMedia #OpenWeb #IndieWeb #JoinTheFediverse

The is a #fediverse mess that needs some composting #FOSS #feudalism and petition the king though his favourites on github.

A nice post from our apologizing #fashernistas on the mess we need to compost in the #Fediverse and wider #openweb reboot

(new blogpost) A time will shortly be upon us when we must decide, make a choice about how we might want our interweb to look and be in the near future and beyond. I think it boils down to a single catch-all choice: who owns the content and interactions of the Internet. ...

#fediverse #platformsociety #datasociety #socialmedia

Spammers being spammers, they're currently creating the same accounts over multiple instances and mass follow people. A github issue has been opened to find a way to block such accounts.

#fediblock #fediverse

While I'm not inherently against competing protocols, it's really hard to see BlueSky as anything other than an attempt to (a) keep the fediverse from succeeding, and (b) taking over a "growing market".

#BlueSky #fediverse #OpenWeb

@feb Concerns raised about the project are that it may promote insincere or ineffective activism, promote the agenda of NGOs over the needs of communities, and potentially lead to the co-optation or watering down of the values and principles of the #openweb culture. It is important for the project to balance the potential damage with the good it can do through its outreach efforts, and for the wider #Fediverse to avoid relying too heavily on a single platform or instance.

Projects are all based on ideology- #BlueSkySocial is capitalism, monetization is a core priority, just like twitter they are leaving it out at the start as the usual #dotcons bait and switch.

The tech might be different, but the world view is #nothingnew in a bad way.

The #Fediverse is built on a different world-view which is why it is important, the tech in both cases is secondary.

"All code is ideology solidified into action – most contemporary code is capitalism"

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