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Items tagged with: fediVerse

Is anyone leading efforts on promoting fediverse to government agencies?

#fediverse #govtech #SocialMedia

For this weekend's coding project, I built a tiny single-user Bluesky→ActivityPub one-way bridge I named “Pinhole”. If there's someone on Bluesky whose posts you want in your Mastodon feed, you can download and run it yourself: :fietkau_software:

Caveats: 1. I intentionally built it anti-scalable: you can use it to follow one Bluesky account from one fedi account, and that's it. 2. You need experience with web servers.

#fediverse #ActivityPub #MastoDev #Bluesky #atproto

"I’ve now been using [Mastodon] for about two months and I am here to tell you that it is, in principle, what we should want the internet to be."

via @404mediaco

#fediverse #mastodon #SocialMedia


Contact Them All Via ,This Guy Has Been Create Help For Me Being Heard With MP's, Police, NHS, BT/EE, & More 😀

Donate: £50 - £100 ,& Conact All CEO's Offices/Head Offices & Senior Governmental Departments In #EU & #Uk & #Europe ,Too Join: #Mastodon With Their Own Servers/Instances, & Join The Larger #Fediverse On: #Mastodon / #MastodonSocial / #PexilFed , & #Meta #Threads & More 😀

We Are In Uk, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Europe Vs #BRICS R,C,I,

@Nathan Schneider I'd love to have a look at the second document, but ACM is very unfriendly towards well-secured desktop browsers. I ended up IP-blocked due to what was perceived as non-standard behaviour which probably means that I haven't just loaded the page and then the document exactly once.

That said, I guess the author of that document steps right into the same trap as everyone else who does something related to the #Fediverse without being an avid, well-informed user of many months, namely assume that the Fediverse is only #Mastodon. Granted, the document is about, quote, "Popular Mastodon Instances", but it might also mention interaction with the rest of the Fediverse and do as if this whole rest of the Fediverse is only Mastodon. This is more than just a technicality: Some aspects about Mastodon rules do not translate to all Fediverse projects, others do not translate to anything that is not Mastodon.

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

Friends of the #Fediverse — I'm looking for nominations of Makers on Mastodon! Share your best follows with me and I may be able to get them some extra visibility!

(Please reshare)

Ach Mist, das war's dann wohl mit meinen Statistiken zu #Mastodon als Trafficquelle für @heiseonline:

Hab gerade bemerkt, dass die schönen neuen Vorschaukarten den URL-Parameter abschneiden, über den wir überhaupt erfahren, dass Besuche von hier kommen. Je mehr Instanzen diese neue Vorschau nun anzeigen, desto mehr Einstiege werden darüber kommen und für uns nicht mehr erkennbar.

Weiß nicht, ob wir das überhaupt beheben können/wollen.

#Fediverse #MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #News

Hello #Fediverse! We're a #vegan permaculture community on 136 hectares in #Ecuador.

We bought the land 9 years ago and have since planted hundreds of fruit trees (not including hundreds of bananas, 14 varieties!). The project was established to create the first open regenerative vegan intentional community in the tropics of South America.

Our community includes several long-term members and we welcome new volunteers, renters and interested members. If anyone would like to come and experience a 100% plant-based lifestyle and help us in our goals of sustainable and regenerative planting of fruit trees, please visit our website for more information and to apply to join us

"... a significant portion of the #Fediverse, at least for now, runs on pure enthusiasm, and sometimes on donations from supporters or some occasional banners. There’s currently no sustainable commercial model here, and it seems that there is no intention to implement one yet."

Why would we? A centralised revenue model for...

"... an association of independent social networks..." basically like trying to create one for everything on the web. It's bananas.

Did you know that it is possible to play online chess with another user through the #Fediverse ?

How to:

Developer: @kosinus

Discovered that thanks to #FediForum

What is the story behind the profile picture you are currently using here on the #Fediverse today?

The other day I asked for everyone to share their story of the username(s) that they use, and you can see that thread here:

Let's hear why you've chosen the image you've chosen!

#Mastodon #ProfilePicture #ProfileImage #Photo #Profile

Can y'all imagine what the #Fediverse would be like if the projects had the kind of funding to enable this scale of development?

Today's question for a resilient #Fediverse is whether various different initiatives are willing to collaborate and cross-pollinate, while keeping their independence.

There's great opportunity to increase the cohesion of the #GrassrootsFedi #ActivityPub developer community and creating strong joins:

1. @w3c #SocialCG working on #OpenStandards improvements

2. @fedidevs documenting existing fedi

3. #FEP process on @Codeberg

4. #SocialHub as forum

5. @dansup #FediDB

Good morning from Australia, #Fediverse!! Don’t forget to embrace your inner #punk! 🤘:MOULE_Happy:

The crew look so out of touch with the #fediverse and our #openweb reboot in general.

#dweb #web3

The undeclared war on #4opens is becoming "common sense" on the #fediverse with the shift to #mainstreaming this is back to the mess we were stepping away from with our #openweb reboot.

Please boost/repost for reach!

I’ve come across some cool #Fediverse projects. I personally would love to know what else is out there but I imagine many of you would as well.
Please share any #Fedi projects that you are working on and or know of.
I’ve seen an #Etsy like project, #Pinterest alternative
#Goldfish which seemed like a #Tiktok like project
I’ve come across awesome client apps like can’t get enough of #Beanapp for #Lemmy and #Artemisapp for #Kbin
#Friendica beta client #Relatica#Mastodon#Fediverse#Firefish#Calckey#Misskey#iOS#buildinpublic#devs#AndroidOS

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing #ActivityPub! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.

Smart move by #GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.

@fediversenews #fediverse #GitHub #git

I just came across this and thought it was so cool. There are tons of #Fediverse projects out there.

Dear #fediverse friends,

Stop saying "there's no algorithm here".

"Chronological" *is* an algorithm.

It has pros, and it has cons.

Which means, at the moment I don't have any algorithmic freedom on Mastodon.

To make this post a bit spicier: on Twitter we can choose 2 algorithms, on Bluesky many.

Lack of algorithmic freedom is a feature for some, a bug for others. But let's call it by its name.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

We have to help #peertube grow and become a good option for users and creators #fediverse#contentcreator#Youtube

I’m keen to facilitate a series of monthly, online meetups about fediverse development.

What we’ll need for each meetup is;

* 3-4 people willing to give a short talk with Q&A. I’d like to have a balance of technical, UX, and organisational topics

* an MC

* a conference server, ideally with support for livestreaming and hosting recordings for later viewing.

Anyone keen to help with this? More details here:

#fediverse #AskFedi #Meetups

I have participated in several #NASAsocial events & highly recommend applying! It would be great to see some folks from the #Fediverse actively contributing.

I don't think too many people in the Fediverse know of the groundbreaking, but quite accessible research Elinor Ostrom did on the Commons, which eventually won her the Nobel Price.

Commons = a resource shared by a group and that together manages that resource for the good of all.

The #Fediverse is a #Commons, but as it is today it isn't very good about several of the success criteria that #Ostrom identified. E.g. look at the list at the bottom of:

Can we do better?

Whoa! BBC has set up their own instance ( in #fediverse / #mastodon ! 😲👏

It is such a no-brainer for media, academic & govt orgs to own their identity AND platform on social media. Nothing really beats "user@domain".


Here's my offer:

I will provide free managed hosting to any Indian media org (or any other type of institution) who wants to set up their own fediverse instance, like BBC did.

Please spread the word! 🙏

#fediverse #mastodon #activitypub

Hi again #Mastodon!
I joined the fediverse when a lot of my community had not migrated from the bird site, so could only partially reconstruct it here using automated tools. If I followed you there and don’t here, say hi and let’s reconnect!

For those who don’t know me, I am a #virologist by training with almost 20 years of experience as a #science #editor, a passion for #microbiology and all science really, #OpenScience #openaccess & people

Have a lovely day everyone

#introduction #fediverse

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